What woul be a Cancer guy reaction to this?

2014-07-13 6:32 am
He is away on a birthday trip for the weekend. He offered to stop by Friday night before he left but I was going to be busy. He texted Friday morning like normal but since he left and hasn't texted all Saturday. Would it be wrong to text him I'm thinking of him or something of that nature while he is away? We usually text all day and I miss him. We aren't together but are exclusively dating.

He usually gets mad if I ignore him all day. If it helps he has a Taurus moon, Leo venus & mars.

回答 (2)

2014-07-13 8:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Well in addition to the other answer you got I also think he could be playing a game with you. Some cancers can become passive aggressive when they get upset. He could be ignoring you because he was upset you didn't make time for him, in this case you shouldn't text him because it will only cause him to play more games in the future. Trust me if he misses you he will call or text, when he realizes you are not going to chase after him, he will come back.
參考: Been with a cancer man for years
It would not be wrong. He was probably a little hurt you couldn't make time to see him before he left (i especially think this because of his leo venus and mars liking attention)
plus i have cancer sun, leo venus and leo mars. Text him but he might be a little distant cos of the hurt thing but he will still like it .

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:10:17
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