Embarrassing Question?

2014-07-13 1:58 am
So I used my credit card to buy a monthly recurring subscription to a certain site. Yes, that kind of site. Sadly, I don't think I'm ever getting out again. It's a network of sites hiding behind other sites and I feel they will never let me cancel my sub.

So I am getting desperate... Can I ask my credit card company to block all payments to these guys?

回答 (3)

2014-07-13 5:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Canceling the card isn't enough. You need to cancel the subscription. If the site won't let you cancel, then file a dispute with your credit card company explaining that you have tried to cancel. The credit card will then backcharge and block future charges. The credit card company may suggest a new account number.

If you just cancel the card, those auto payments for the subscription will still charge on the account.
2014-07-13 2:02 am
Outside the US, we're not very sue-happy. I don't care about getting even. I just want to get OUT.
2014-07-13 1:59 am
you know porn is free right? you have to sue them

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