Can Venus in 2nd house make anyone sensous?

2014-07-12 3:59 pm

回答 (5)

2014-07-12 5:32 pm
venus in 2nd:
gives comfort and luxury in life.
-bestows charm, fortune and wealth.
very much involved in materialistic benefits and pleasures.
- by nature sensitive to touch, and sensual in expression/thought, besides smell will be appealing.
-love and affection are significant.
-a visionary and has a high taste towards music/dance/drama.
-possess creative mind, and artistic blend..
-has attractive style,melodious voice. impresses everyone around.
2014-07-15 12:42 am
2014-07-13 7:23 pm
No no,
2014-07-13 6:26 am
Venus in Second house is a blessed configuration. The native could be peace loving, balanced and extremely soft spoken. The native will enjoy abundant food, drinks and wealth, will derive excellent pleasures, be endowed with good speech and will amass great wealth. He can be a poet too.
參考: Sixth Sense
2014-07-12 7:59 pm
the keyword here is materialistic.
-you have the ability to obtain money, enjoy being content and prosperous and are quite lucky.
-social status is important to you
-you like to earn money in pleasant ways, and you may find a career in the arts,beauty,clothing or flowers.
-you have the ability to charm others-you may spend more than you earn since you may like to show off.

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