What makes male tarantulas want to mate?

2014-07-12 2:38 pm
Normally, they get eaten by the female afterwards but they still search to mate with them. Since tarantulas don't exactly enjoy sex like people do, what makes male tarantulas want to mate other than to maintain the population?

回答 (6)

2014-07-12 3:17 pm
They re obviously leg men.
2014-07-12 2:40 pm
You can't "make" them mate. It's a natural thing for tarantulas.
2014-07-12 2:44 pm
Hormones, a massive rush of hormones where mating is the strongest "urge" even over staying alive.

The same reason a few teens do such foolish things after the are in the middle of puberty, those hormones can make your brain foggy.
2014-07-12 5:49 pm
Very simple, male tarantulas that have no desire to mate will not leave any descendants, and their genes will be lost. Only males that are driven by instinct to mate will leave those genes that encode the instinct to mate. That is how natural selection works.
2014-07-12 2:44 pm
Sounds like their human counterparts. FACT!
2014-07-12 2:42 pm
They have a natural urge to pro-create, it is built in.

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