
2014-07-10 10:13 pm


1. 我想問呢個情況下,係咪由於香港係中國既特別行政區,所以我既國藉係中國?

2. 如果我想入藉其他國家例如美國,英國,日本等,正常程序我要先放棄中國國藉,然後再入藉,咁我「香港永久性居民既身份」又會點呢?

3. 承上題,如果想KEEP住「香港永久性居民既身份」,係咪要36個月內返港一次呢?返港時間有無限制最短幾耐呢?

4. 入藉其他國家後,我仲可唔可以申請返「BN(O)」?(依家過左期未重開)

5. 如果我以「BN(O)」既護照去海外,我既國藉會係咩呢?

6. 如果我以「BN(O)」既護照入藉其他國家,我需唔需要放棄「BN(O)」既國藉呢?



回答 (3)

2014-07-11 12:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes and no.

2 factors affect you in becoming a Chinese (Hong Kong) citizen:

a. You are born in Hong Kong, which is a SAR of China (partial of your questions);

b. Your parents are Chinese-descent.

As a fact, there are Indian-descent Hong Kong Permanent Resident who do not qualify for a HKSAR Passport, but a BN(O) Passport only. Those people are now British citizen by the act of the U.K, Parliament.

2. Both the U.S. and the U.K. allow multiple citizenships. For Japan, you are correct that you must renounce your Chinese nationality (as well as British nationality). In term of Permanent Residence, most countries do not usually require the applicants to abandon the residence.

3. Yes. No.

4. Yes. See #2 for explanation.

5. United Kingdom.

6. It depends on the countries allowing multiple nationalities or not.

2014-07-11 12:56:43 補充:
1. Yes.

2. Yes - one time only:

3. Yes. Here is an example:

2014-07-11 12:58:05 補充:
A BN(O) Passport is eligible to be a registered voter once he/she has stay in the U.K. for 6 months, even using a visa (like Tier 4).

Usually, visa holders are not eligible to vote.

2014-07-11 13:01:56 補充:
4. You will have to check with Japan. Due to language and cultural issues, the information is not really clear.

5. In your own terms:

HK SAR citizen - A Chinese citizen who has the right to abode in Hong Kong.

2014-07-11 13:02:28 補充:
4. You will have to check with Japan. Due to language and cultural issues, the information is not really clear.

5. In your own terms:

HK SAR citizen - A Chinese citizen who has the right to abode in Hong Kong.

2014-07-11 13:04:26 補充:
HK permanent residence holder - A person who has the right to abode in Hong Kong.

2014-07-11 13:33:02 補充:
7. My email address is

(It is a disposable email. Once you have made contact, you will have my actual contact.)
2014-07-16 5:16 pm
謝謝"本週之星 "的意見!
2014-07-10 10:24 pm

2014-07-11 11:56:29 補充:
對啊﹗ 不論你放棄甚麼國籍,你的永久身分證是永久有效的。

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