投資(ECON) 一問

2014-07-09 8:53 pm
i) 試解釋市場上投資項目的回報率上升, 對投資需求的影響.。
ii) 若此時中央銀行減少貨幣供應,運用貨幣市場理論,說明對投資的影響。
iii) 解釋第(ii)題中投資的變化會如何影響總支出函數和國民收入。

回答 (3)

2014-07-10 12:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
haha fung is hilarious
i mean
his economics is great !

2014-07-09 16:14:24 補充:
macro is easier than micro i admit
2014-07-12 3:53 am
i) As the rate of return increased, the incentive to invest increased, so the investment expenditure increased. (1)

ii) Show in the diagram:
Money supply curve shifts to the left (1)
Nominal interest rate increases (1)

Verbal elaboration:
If the central bank reduces the money supply, the nominal interest rate will increase. (1)
Entrepreneurs will borrow less money for investment. Investment expenditure will decrease. (1)

Verbal elaboration:
In the short run, as the investment expenditure decreased, aggregate expenditure decreased. (1)
Therefore, the real national income will decrease. (1)
The general price level decreased, so the nominal national income decreased. (1)
In the long run, wages will become flexible again. The wages of workers will decrease. (1)
The short-run aggregate supply will increase. (1)
Thus the real national income will increase. (1)
The general price level will decrease in the long run. Therefore, the nominal national income will decrease. (1)

Show in the diagram:
AD curves shifts to the left (1)
Y decreases in the short run (1)
GPL decreases in the short run (1)
SRAS curve shifts to the right (1)
Y is unchanged in the long run (1)
GPL decreases in the long run (1)
2014-07-09 9:41 pm
你打開本叫MARCO ECON 睇吧..太簡單

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