Need help with my career choice?

2014-07-09 7:35 am
Ok. So I'm twenty four years old I graduated from one of those vocational school with an as degree in air conditioning. its been about a year or so now with no luck finding a steady job. I was employed with a local contractor who hired me for about five months or so. it didn't really worked out that's why he had to let me go. I wasn't picking it up very quickly. I honestly don't really care for school I always had a hard time focusing on any subject. I was thinking about going back to school so I can either pick a different career or pick something that can benefit me in the long run what I spent thousands of dollars on. this school year I end up becoming a after school leader for the youth. I defiantly enjoyed it. I love working with the youth. but I don't know if I can do it for years.

what you guys think I should do? this economy sucks :(

回答 (3)

2014-07-09 8:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
find a library for books on how to job hunt.

google where there is work.

here, HVAC techs are easily employed.

if u got 10000s of money spent on
school. u be wasting time and more money
on more school .

use what u got .
2014-07-09 3:40 pm
Stop behaving defiantly, it is VERY childish.
2014-07-09 8:07 am
I think you should come in writing field as i am now a professional writer and i'm writing for top paper writer, pay for thesis and for help for assignment. I am 23 years old and I am also studying side by side so its easy to work with study in this Occupation.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 00:13:54
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