Why did the US refuse to adress the question of retaining Japanese emperor in WW2?

2014-07-08 5:03 pm
Japan did not want to surrender unconditionally and retaining their emperor was always what they desired. Why did the US dropped the atomic bombs instead of negotiating on that point?

回答 (5)

2014-07-08 5:06 pm
We did not oust the emperor, yet they surrendered unconditionally. Your history is wrong. They would not have surrendered.
2014-07-08 5:09 pm
Why should we have negotiated anything? The Japs cowardly attacked a Navy base of a country that was not in the war. They were just lucky we only had a couple. If we had a dozen or so Japan would just be crawling out of the stone ages.
2014-07-08 5:12 pm
Japan did not want to surrender.they kept on fighting My remembrance of history does not include anything about the emperor,
2014-07-08 5:05 pm
Had to test the bombs somehow.
2014-07-08 5:09 pm
Retaining the emperor was the most efficient way of governing after the surrender.

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