lisWho were Kings of Inder prist Dilli, (Dehli), The Capital of India since Anand paal Tanwer To Yadashtar &up to Pirthvi Raj chuhan?

2014-07-08 2:33 pm
Maha Rajah Anand Paal Tanwer (1st) Settled & Made his Capital city at bank of JAMNA River ,( Now a days called, as "DEHLI " Then ,I think , after 800 years Pando puter "YADSHTER " Re selleled as His CapitalIn The Era Of Karishna jee. Then at the Last breath Of " Tanwers Kingdom,Pirthvi Raaj Chuhaan forcibily TooK Hold of Kingdam Of His Motarnal Grand-father,Anand paalTanwer .
So Indian Scholars of Rajputs Histry CanGive The List odIn between Kings.So that the new races could know such .

回答 (3)

2014-07-08 6:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This question is barely intelligible. It needs to be better-worded and broken into parts. It would be helpful to know the dates and the BC, CE, and/or AD denomination. Spelling errors are abundant as well.
India was not one empire/kingdom, but many.
Reign 1165-1192 AD
Predecessor Anangpal Tomar II
Successor Muhammad of Ghor

The Delhi Sultanate:
2014-07-14 2:46 am
nearly 50 years before criest (BC),here in India Was a preacher of faithNamed Sheaam/ Krishna jee At Dawarka side to Dehli . The Last era of role in dehli was anand paal Tanwer 2nd. Then became Prithvi raj then Won the thorn of dehlio," Shahaabu din Ghori. When commenced here A great War In beetween Koros & Pandos.
0 ,
2014-07-11 10:21 am
You need to buy a different pocket translator so we can understand your question properly.
參考: life

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