What job can I get with my BSc. in Biology Degree?

2014-07-08 1:40 pm
Hi there all
My question is I have a Bachelor's degree in Biology and I am glad to have graduated with it. The problem is the place where I live they don't have any jobs pertaining to Biology. I studied it because I like the Field but where ever I go to search for a job people are like Biology??? BIOLogy? BIOLOGY??? you know what I mean. I don't know what job is suitable for me and countries like USA and UK have a great recognition for such degrees but I am not sure what to do if the people at my place behave like they've heard the word for the first time.
I can't afford to move out of the place currently and searching for jobs in other fields again people go "You are from Biology why do want to work in IT... or a bank or...." you know. And secondly I don't think they would accept a biologist in a bank...
I am in a very difficult situation here. Please I need some honest suggestions. And please do not criticize. I really don't know what to do??

回答 (1)

2014-07-08 7:42 pm
I'm guessing you are in the UK since we don't have BSc's here in the US.

In the US, and I assume in the UK, a BS in Bio can help you find work at a Pharma/Device sales company, as a lab tech, as a lab gofer, or as a research assistant.

Bio is a placeholder/springboard degree for those who wish to pursue higher education or certification.
2014-07-08 1:41 pm
last person that sold me a couch had a biology degree

if you want to work at a bank,, why would you take biology? just to get a degree? to waste time?
let me guess,, first one in your family to go to college
parents just don't know and can't help

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