has it的意思

2014-07-08 5:56 pm
Not only low- and middle-ranking officials but also high-ranking ones are under investigation. Rumour has it on the mainland that the facts of the Zhou Yongkang case will soon be made public. That seems now only a matter of time.

今天睇明報社評, Rumour has it on the mainland唔係好明has it的意思。請問點用?

回答 (5)

2014-07-09 12:41 am
✔ 最佳答案

have it (that)是一個用語,


have it (that)- to say that something is true 說﹐表示

rumor has it that...there is a rumor that... Rumor has it that Fred is seeing Mary and that they are engaged

所以"Rumour has it on the mainland",意思就是,在內地有謠言說......

2014-07-10 12:31 am
Rumour has it that=people say that
=there is a rumour that
=eg;on that mainland (people was killed)
=People was killed on that mainland
=People was killed
=s, v, o
=(1)There are plenty of rumours of village-people killed.
=(2)Some bad rumours are circulating about the murder.
=(3)Many of the stories are based on rumours.
=(4)I heard a rumour that Mr.MO-Yean can't write.
These are some of the usage.
2014-07-09 12:03 am

2014-07-08 16:07:05 補充:
參考: 我, 我
2014-07-08 6:53 pm
係一個常用語句... 有傳言話在大陸 THAT XXX (果個人)個事件好快會公怖
2014-07-08 6:36 pm
要rumour has it咁睇 姐係話 有傳言
參考: myself

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