Can somebody please explain to me the bulking up stage and toning stage of bodybuilding?

2014-07-08 7:57 am
I'm a pretty slim guy who wants to build a lot of muscle like superman in Man of Steel. I keep hearing how I have to eat a lot and bulk up before toning the body. I just don't understand. Am I supposed to eat a lot before joining a gym and doing workouts or am I suppose to hit the gym while I am trying to increase my mass? Detailed answers would be greatly appreciated.

回答 (2)

2016-05-18 3:20 am
Burning fat is a extremely hard challenge for a lot of people all over the planet and is what the Metabolic Cooking nutrition method attempts to repair.
2014-07-08 10:52 am
You're supposed to go to the gym, do full body weights every other day, and eat about 3500 calories daily at least.

You focus on compound multi joint exercises, and work all of your body. That means learning how to deadlift, squat, bench\overhead press ect. You should always focus a work out around one of these.

Start with a program such as 5x5 for beginners, Google it. It'll set you up with two different sessions of: 1 lower compound +2 assistance, and 1 upper, 2 assistance exercises, to be done on alternate days.

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