How to pay for last 2 years of college on my own?

2014-07-07 10:41 pm
I have completed 3 years of college but when I transfer I won't have my parents' help and I'll be living on my own. What can I do?

回答 (5)

2014-07-08 1:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. If not already fill out FAFSA and see if you qualify for grants or loans(try to avoid loans if you can but if you must federal are the best if you qualify)

2. Find a cheaper school if you can't afford the one you plan to transfer to.

3. If not already, GET A JOB! You are an adult now and should't really rely too much on your parents anyways. Be responsible. Being in college is not an excuse because many students work and go to school even though majoring in hard majors like engineering.

4. Apply for as many scholarships as you can. Yes you can still apply while in college. Not all are just for high school seniors.

If you don't want to take out loans and can't afford it, you may just have to put a hold on it, work and save up and go back later when you can afford it.
2014-07-09 4:40 am
go to local state colleges and pay cash.

here u can legally work 30 hr/wks during school,
40 -60 hr/wks during breaks.

here u can use a Library for 100s of books on grants
scholarships to apply for.

here u can legally live in a Van , truck or car to reduce
your housing costs.

visit a library for books on how , utube also.

loans are available if u do not mind years of PAYMENTS.

DO get a 'degree' that actaully leads to good paying

many do NOT.
參考: exstreet person, employer now, thanks librarys
2014-07-08 11:05 am
Student Loans & a Part Time Job

If you decide to make loans make sure you are taking a degree that is not garbage.
Yes, some schools have pure nonsense degrees in the Liberal Arts like gender studies, etc.
2014-07-08 6:05 am
most full-time students work 20-30 hours per week
plenty of full-time students hold down full-time jobs

see what MixedMamita1990 said... she is spot-on
2014-07-18 8:53 am
You can instanly get a cash payday loan up to $1000 by using this site: I got the payday loan even though I had extremely awful credit history.

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