will a tampon give me tss?

2014-07-07 10:07 pm
usually I wear regular sized pads but idk if I'm gonna get sick from the tampon (it says TSS all over the box) and I only have regular sized tampons . idk I'm scared .

I'm going to ocean breeze so I kinda have to wear a tampon

回答 (5)

2014-07-08 4:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
There's nothing to say that you will contract TSS.

TSS is rare but still thought to effect as many as 1 in 700 women, there are also other risks with tampon use such as increased risk of vaginal infections such as Bacterial Vaginosis, and exposure to dioxin - understanding the risks reduces your overall risk as you'll be able to make educated choices about what products you use, know how to reduce risks, and know what to do if you do contract TSS.

You should always use lowest absorbency - tampons don't just absorb blood they also absorb vaginal moisture which results in vaginal tissues becoming damaged, this allows bacterial toxins responsible for TSS a direct route into your bloodstream so higher risk of TSS. Start with lowest absorbency during the heaviest point in your period, if it leaks within 1-2 hours use next absorbency up but if the tampon isn't saturated in blood after 4-6 hours use lower absorbency or if already using lowest then switch to pads.

Precautions to reduce risks:
- Change every 4-6 hours.
- Alternate with pads as often as possible.
- Always use lowest absorbency for your flow.
- Avoid rayon brands: Tampax, Playtex, Kotex.
- Opt for cotton brands: Cottons, Natracare, Maxim.
- Do not use when not menstruating.
- Do not use with light flow or spotting.
- Do not use overnight while sleeping.
- Do not use during a vaginal infection.
- Wash hands before use.
- Store in clean dry place.
- Learn about tampon risks.
- Learn about TSS symptoms.
- Consider safer options like menstrual cups.

You ARE Loved (TSS information) - http://www.you-are-loved.org
2014-07-07 10:13 pm
Dear Huy,

Do not be too concerned. Millions of women wear tampons successfully. Just be careful to change them regularly.

Best wishes
2014-07-08 5:05 pm
Yes, absolutely EVERY SINGLE PERSON who wears a tampon gets TSS... how can you not know that? There are thousands and thousands of girls dropping dead every single day JUST because they wear tampons............how OLD are you????? You seriously need to grow up
2014-07-07 10:11 pm
The chances of you getting TSS are slim. I have been wearing tampons for years, and it has never happened to me. You just need to make sure you don't leave the same tampon in for too long, otherwise bacteria will start to form. Change it every time you use the washroom and you should be golden.
2014-07-07 10:09 pm
try to change your tampon every 1.5- 2 hrs if you have a heavy flow. if you have a medium flow, change every 2 hrs. if you have a light flow, change every 3+ hrs. i would highly recommend pads since they're a lot healthier. period blood has toxins and if you keep it in for too long frequently, it may be very unhealthy. It only causes TSS if you keep it in for too long.

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