Thesis promoter said he "liked it"; what am I supposed to understand from that?

2014-07-07 11:37 am
I'm freaking out a bit and I could use some external input on this.

Well i sent in the first draft of my entire thesis, and my promoter replied that he "likes it". He didnt say if its good or bad, just that he "likes" it. At first I thought that he meant that it was great (why would he like it if its bad?) but when I told my boyfriend this he made a strange face....

So, what do you think it means when my promoter "likes" my work? ...

回答 (2)

2014-07-07 11:55 am
Well, I do not "like" the grammar in the sentence. You wrote a thesis as to what and where? A thesis is a document in a graduate course of studies. Yet, in your question you used a semi-colon as a puctuation mark? Why? This is beyond being incorrect. You wrote the next sentence without capitalizing the first word and treating it like part of the first one! What? Next is the quotation mark. In the USA, punctuation marks are placed inside the quotation mark. "(My) thesis promoter said he "like it." What am I supposed to understand from that?" is correct grammar. While the semi-colon can be used in placed of a conjunction, it is not a common practice. The quotation rule IS common. Now here is the lack of logical thinking and addiction tot texting. In a common practice by American females, you want to ask the entire planet OTHER THAN TO ASK TO THE PERSON INVOLVED. The boyfriend, friends, parents, the planet via this forum qualify. May I ask, Ms. Snow White, why did you not contact this person and asked for clarification or more information? Drama. American girls like drama. Too much Kardashian in your life, or not enough? So, I have to ask you in return: what are WE supposed to understand from this posting?
2014-07-07 11:42 am
Thesis promoter said he "liked it"; what am I supposed to understand from that?

You can deduce that he likes it because it was funny but worth publication OR
because if was published, he would buy a copy.
Suggest you get a second opinion to know for sure without asking him.

What course of study and how long preparing thesis?

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