summer holiday homework

2014-07-08 4:00 am
1. 只要大家都來想辦法,問題是容易解決的。(改成雙重否定句)
2. 天文台報告明天早上有大霧,第二天早上居然大霧漫天(改正不適當詞語)
3. 根據一具完整的恐龍骨骼化石,科學家們假想了這頭恐龍的來歴(改正不適當詞語)

回答 (4)

2014-07-09 4:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
不知道要中文或英文? 給了中英文

1. 若果大家不去想辦法, 問題是不會解決的
If we are not going to think of a (viable 可行的) solution, the problem won’t be solved.

2. 天文台預測第二天早上有大霧, 第二天早上果然大霧漫天
Observatory weather forecast was heavy fog “on” next morning. It indeed turned out to be very foggy that morning.

3. 從一具完整的恐龍骨骼化石, 科學家們推斷了這頭恐龍的來歴
From a complete set of dinosaur skeleton fossils, the scientists deduced the origin of this dinosaur.

雙重否定句, “不去想辦法” 和”不會解決”
不去想辦法, 不會是 “不容易解決”, 是 “不會解決”
“不容易解決” 最後可能解決

‘報告’改了’預測” 比較好, 不是”居然”, ”居然” 有相反的含意, 使用”果然” 比較適合
不會用”明天” tomorrow, 因為”明天” 屬于將來, 無人知道將來發生什麼
英文用”next day”, tense 用 past tense, "預測"與 "真實" 已經知道了, 都是大霧

不是”假想”, 是”推斷“, 英文用 ”deduce”, 真實"來歴" 無方法 100% 證明
Science 分 experimental science 和 historical science,
用化石揣測靠近 historical science 多些, 只想起 deduce, 不用 discover, prove, surmise, conjecture, predict, speculate 等字眼, 希望其他網友幫忙, 精確的字
Scientists 應該是 palaeontologist (古生物學者), 不是 archaeologist (考古學家)

2014-07-08 6:56 pm
一. 若果大家都不去想辦法,問題是不易解決的。

三. 研究一具完整的恐龍骨骼化石,科學家們假想了這頭恐龍的來歴

二. 天文台報告明天早上有大霧,第二天早上果然大霧漫天
2014-07-08 4:21 pm
To Yoona You on summer holiday homework:-
(1)Had we not trying to solve, the questions would never have been solved.----(Impossible condition; past perfect--->perfect inf.)(double negatives.)
(2)As the Observatory forcasts foggy tomorrow morning, so much so should it have been so to the weather.
As clause condition----->main clause involved.
(3)A study of a complete dinosaur skeleton fossils let scientists speculate a hypothesis based on it.(error and corrections on the terms.)

2014-07-09 07:08:53 補充:
(2)If the Observatory forecasts foggy weather tomorrow morning, then we have the confidence and belief to trust that observation.(manner---as if, as);(purpose---so that)

2014-07-09 07:09:17 補充:
(2)If the Observatory forecasts foggy weather tomorrow morning, then we have the confidence and belief to trust that observation.(manner---as if, as);(purpose---so that)

2014-07-09 07:09:23 補充:
(2)If the Observatory forecasts foggy weather tomorrow morning, then we have the confidence and belief to trust that observation.(manner---as if, as);(purpose---so that)
2014-07-08 5:10 am
1. 若果大家都不去想辦法,問題是不易解決的。
2. 天文台報告明天早上有大霧,第二天早上果然大霧漫天
3. 研究一具完整的恐龍骨骼化石,科學家們假想了這頭恐龍的來歴

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