
2014-07-07 7:50 am
-Efficieny and renew the image of food tray(效率與更新餐盤的形象)

-City people with the demand of standard living(對生活有些要求的城市人)

-They are either non-completed or fuctional but lack of the sense of beauty)

回答 (6)

2014-07-07 9:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1)Improvement in efficiency and renewal at the image of food tray.
(2)City people with the demand of high living standards.(=modern standards)
(3)They are either non-completed or functional, and lack of the sense of beauty.
2014-07-11 10:22 am

-Efficieny and renew the image of food tray(效率與更新餐盤的形象)
Amendments: To renew the image of the food tray and its efficiency of design.
-City people with the demand of standard living(對生活有些要求的城市人)
Amendments: The civilians have the rights to ask for better standard of livings.
-They are either non-completed or fuctional but lack of the sense of beauty)
Amendments: Though all of them owned the abilities and yet they are either incomplete or lack of senses of beauty.
參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation” published by Hong Kong Oxford University Press in 1975
2014-07-08 6:42 pm
1. efficienCy and renewAL the image of food tray
**Use noun forms~

2. CITIZENS DEMANDING standard living
** "city people" is quite strange
** "demanding" is using present participle, making the sentence simpler

3. They are either INcompleted or fuctional but LACKING the sense of beauty
** "non-completed" --> XX
參考: myself
2014-07-08 12:52 am
對不起要先小人說每句的英文都是錯或不完整的,而中文卻亦不像中文意思(不知是原意還是你想表達英文的解釋),所以中又是錯的句法,英的亦是錯的句法,只能從某些字的用意估計你其實想講甚麼。新餐盤是一件物件,中文也不會用形象來形容,可以講外形(shape)/ 形狀 (shape)/ 造形(appearance)或者是它的款式(style),甚至更高層次講它的質感/觸感/視感等感覺,IMAGE是影像圖像那種”形像”、或者是明星公眾人物的表現風格那種”形象”,假如用在死物=它的圖片。但你英文原意又像是講它的功能或效能,這跟”形象”在提供的內容中沒有關連的因素,所以坦白講無得寫的。唯有加上一些把功效/功能跟外形連接的關係-我估你只是想講:「新改的形狀使餐盤更好用」或者可能你是指「新的形狀使生產效率更簡易快速」。
The new shape/form/style of the food tray allows users to use it effectively.
The new shape/form/style of the food tray is made for efficient production.中文這句本身亦非完整句子,是一句片語;當中「對生活”有些”要求…」是”有乜些”呢,你想說的有些是some乜東東還是像你英文似想講是「很有要求的」demand?我估你是想講「城市人對生活品質/質素是有一定水平的要求的」。寫法有多種:
City living demands quality.
People in city demands quality living.
People living in city demands high standard of quality.
The quality of living standard in city is high.我估你的意思是:它們(唔知係乜東東)既不完整,亦”不”能達到它應有功能,同時亦沒有美感。請留意內容三樣情況都是反面的,所以無論中英文都不會出現”but”/”但是”/”卻”等等正反轉接詞的。只有當前面一段是講好處/優點(功能卓越),句的後段指出反的缺點(不美),才會”卻but”。假如誤會了你的non-complete(正確的英文是incomplete)和functional是優點,則要另重寫了。現寫出可能的意思:
They are incomplete, impractical and non-appealing.意思是不完整,不實用,外觀亦不吸引。由於functional的反義詞可以是non-functional(不能發揮功能),但指有好功能的反義就不是客觀的指出它不能運作,而是指出它不實用。 ~
參考: 請恕無法按你原英語句修改。
2014-07-07 11:14 am
1. efficiency and update of the image of the food trays
(餐盤的效率 與 餐盤的形象更新)

~ efficiency 效率 and 與
~ to update the image of the food tray 更新餐盤的形象

2. city people having demands (desires) "for" higher standard of living

~ city people with demands in their daily lives (日常生活中有要求的城市人)

3. They are either "incomplete" or functional but "lacking" in sense of beauty.

(注意: uncompleted=未完成的; incomplete=不完整的)
(注意: lack 名詞 + of; lacking 形容詞 + in)

2014-07-07 07:41:08 補充:
or functional but "lack of" sense of beauty. (錯)
2014-07-07 10:23 am
[Efficiency] and [refreshing] the image of food [plates.]

[Urban dwellers] with a demand of [quality living standard.]

They are either [incomplete,] or [functional] but lack of [aesthetic value.]

2014-07-07 02:25:45 補充:
餐盤如果係指「托盤」,就照用 tray;但係係「碟」嘅話,用 plate 會好啲。

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