Does liberals' love of "country" extend only as long as a Democrat is President?

2014-07-05 5:08 pm
Do you think as soon as a Republican is in office, they will go back to constantly bad-mouthing the country?

回答 (14)

2014-07-05 5:09 pm
No, we'll just bad mouth cons
2014-07-05 5:10 pm
Michelle's quote says it all. "for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country"

She fully expected Barack Obama to change America into some sort of socialist utopia for the black race. Yes, she is a socialist racist. Nobody could sit in reverend Wright's church for 20 years without hating America. Remember his most famous words? "No No No It's not God blass America. it's God damn America." Liberals view America as an oppressor, not the greatest liberator, and most powerful force for good the world has ever known.

What part of the innate Democrat hatred for America don't people understand?
2014-07-05 5:15 pm
No. Liberals always love their country. Conservative lie and claim any time a liberal criticizes a Republican administration that we are somehow "hating America." This is due to conservatives being brainwashed to equate conservatism with "America."

I would argue that conservatives are now "hating America" since they are taking their opposition to the current president to such extremes that it is actually having a negative impact on our country.
2014-07-05 5:11 pm
Of course. Most Liberals pretty much openly say they hate America. Liberals constantly bash America and compare America to other countries that they consider better. The hideous Michelle Obama said herself that she was only proud of our country when her husband got elected.
2014-07-05 11:48 pm
2014-07-05 5:39 pm
We have more love and respect for country than the Right.
2014-07-05 5:10 pm
wait a minute... i thought you were taking back the country from the likes of me. get ur story str8t, bud.
2014-07-05 5:37 pm
Anyone who agrees with fundamentally changing America can not actually LOVE this America. Be like a woman saying she loves her husband. As long as he changes everything about him that makes him HIM.

Makes for a very miserable husband and a bitter shrewish wife.
2014-07-06 5:44 pm
The question is dripping with hypocrisy like a lanced boil being drained of pus.
2014-07-05 5:27 pm
Do long as completely irreconcilable world views and value systems are forced to exist under one single umbrella of government, there will remain a sizable portion of the population that is vehemently discontent.

As those irreconcilable differences become even more divergent, the discontent becomes more visceral.

There will be not great coming together for a common cause among 300 million (and growing) people.

"One nation" is well in the rear view, if in fact it really ever existed at all.
2014-07-05 5:29 pm
nah, they would still hate it then, just not at the Federal level.
2014-07-05 5:11 pm
Not necessarily, but it was much safer to practice freedom with liberals in power until the new bi-partisans took over.

And then they act confused.
2014-07-05 5:32 pm
Leftist don't ever love country, they only adore their dear leaders. Throw their panties on the national stage, the women too.
2014-07-05 5:11 pm
"Bad mouthing", or criticizing one's own country is an unconditional showing of love.

Ideology and affection have nothing to do with each other.

Besides, it's supposed to be everyone's country, or didn't anyone ever tell you that?
2014-07-05 5:10 pm
How could someone love America: it would be like loving Roseanne Barr.

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