求改語法, 錯字, 感謝萬分

2014-07-06 3:27 am
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

At universities and colleges, sports and social activities are just as important as classes and libraries and should receive equal financial support.

Nowadays our university spend a lot of money on improving classes and libraries rather than sports and social activities. In my opinion, sports and social activities are as important as classes and libraries.

When we do the sports, energy burns and metabolism increase. Therefore, it provides good health which increase the study efficiency. I have a brother who seldom do exercise. In the winter flu is easy to infect person by person such that he always get sick in winter, which influence him study. Compared with him, my sister always do exercise. Her body can defend any bacteria. So her study is much faster than my brother's one. Doing sports not only give our good health, but also give us study efficiency.

We can learn the Leadership skill from sports that we can learn from class. Leadership skill is helpful for our work. My cousin is a president of soccer club. He always assigns suitable positions and jobs to others. Such as who pass the ball, who defends the attack from another team etc. So his leadership is skillful. He had a presentation in the sociology class. He thought that which part should be included in the report. Who designed the poster? Who record the video etc? Something that we learn from sport not only we can use in sport, but also we can use in classes.

回答 (3)

2014-07-08 7:14 pm

2014-07-07 1:49 am
1. I agree with 001 that 內容有啲離題

2. I do not agree that 你英文應該都唔錯. Your problem goes much further than just leaving out the 's'.

Areas of concern include:

A. Singular / plural nouns, e. g. our university --> our universities
B. Third person singular verbs, e. g. Doing sports not only give our good health, but also give us study efficiency --> Doing sports not only gives our good health, but also gives us study efficiency.
C. Articles. Make sure you know why you put or dont put an article in your sentence. Dont put an article there just because it sounds 順口 or 順耳 to you. They have different meanings with or without an article, e. g. in the winter --> in winter
D. Wrong use of phrases , e. g. such that
E. Chinglish, e. g. metabolism increase --> speed up metabolism, increase the study efficiency --> improve study efficiency, do exercise --> exercise (it can be used as a verb),
F. Sentence structure, e. g. "Such as who pass(es?) the ball, who defends the attack from another team etc" is not a complete sentence, He thought that which part should be included.
G. Part of speech, e. g. which influence him study --> Which influences his study There is no quick fix for vocab related problems. it takes time to build your vocabulary.Going through the basic grammar rules helps non-native English speakers a lot. I have uploaded a series of videos on English grammar on Youtube, Hope they can help you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceFJv0GATcY

2014-07-06 17:55:40 補充:
Food for thought

Are "While we are engaging in sports,..." and "When we do sports,..." both grammatically correct?

If yes, any difference in meaning? What is the difference in using present tense and present continuous tense?
2014-07-06 5:21 am

Nowadays our [universities] spend a lot of money on improving [the quality of] classes and libraries rather than [that of] sports and social activities. In my opinion, sports and social activities are as important as classes and libraries.

[While] we [are engaging in] sports, [we consume more] energy [than normal] and [our] metabolism [increases]. Therefore, [sports may help us achieve] good health which [can] increase [our] study efficiency. [For example,] I have a brother who seldom [does] exercise. In [x the] winter [when] flu [becomes more prevalent] he always [gets] sick, which [significantly affects his] study. [As opposed to my brother], my sister always [does] exercise [and she is less prone to sickness]. [As a result, she could always study more efficiently than my brother.] [This implies that] doing sports not only [keeps us in] good health, but also [improves our] study efficiency.

[Furthermore,] we can learn [x the] [leadership skills] from sports that we can [apply in many other situations]. Leadership [skills are really useful.] [Take my cousin as an example, he] is [the] president of [his school's] soccer club. He always [needs to assign the others to] suitable positions [during a match], such as [the midfielder] who [passes] the ball and the [sweeper] who defends the attack from another team [x etc]. [All these require excellent leadership skills]. [And during one of his presentations in his] sociology class[, he must make use of his leadership skills applied in the soccer club to make decisions on questions like] ['']Which part should be included in the report[?'', '']Who [designs] the poster?['' and '']Who [records] the video[?''.] [It is therefore clear that things] we learn from [sports are] not only [useful] in sports, but also [x we can use] in [other situations like] classes.

2014-07-05 21:24:28 補充:
你英文應該都唔錯,但係留意下唔好漏 ''s'',仲有就係內容你有啲離題

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