租賃合約翻譯 中英對照 希望有心人幫忙

2014-07-05 5:51 am
1. 但若租客拖欠根據此合約需要支付的租金及/或其他款項超過七天(無論有否以法律行動追討)或若租客違反此合約內任何條款,業主可合法收回該物業而此租約將被立即終止;業主可從按金內扣除因租客違約而令業主所受的損失,而此項權利將不會影響業主因租客違約而可採取的其他合法行動的權利。

2. 租約期內 ( 至 ) 如租客退租, 業主有權不需退還有關之按金, 即港幣 , 租客亦不能以按金抵銷租約期內欠交之租金。

3. 續租期內 ( 至 ) 如雙方各一方要求退租, 需書面給對方一個月通知, 業主需退還按金予租客, 租客亦不能以按金抵銷租約期內欠交之租金。

4. 如退租時, 租客尚欠單位內之水費, 電費, 石油氣費, 業主有權扣減按金作抵銷, 如金額不抵銷, 業主有權追討有關費用。

5. 租客不得轉租予第三者, 否則作毀約論, 業主有權即時收回單位並追討有關之損失

6. 業主及租客雙方同意遵守附表一和附表二內的附加條款.

回答 (2)

2014-07-05 10:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 但若租客拖欠根據此合約需要支付的租金及/或其他款項超過七天(無論有否以法律行動追討)或若租客違反此合約內任何條款,業主可合法收回該物業而此租約將被立即終止;業主可從按金內扣除因租客違約而令業主所受的損失,而此項權利將不會影響業主因租客違約而可採取的其他合法行動的權利。

2. 租約期內 ( 至 ) 如租客退租, 業主有權不需退還有關之按金, 即港幣 , 租客亦不能以按金抵銷租約期內欠交之租金。

3. 續租期內 ( 至 ) 如雙方各一方要求退租, 需書面給對方一個月通知, 業主需退還按金予租客, 租客亦不能以按金抵銷租約期內欠交之租金。

4. 如退租時, 租客尚欠單位內之水費, 電費, 石油氣費, 業主有權扣減按金作抵銷, 如金額不抵銷, 業主有權追討有關費用。

5. 租客不得轉租予第三者, 否則作毀約論, 業主有權即時收回單位並追討有關之損失

6. 業主及租客雙方同意遵守附表一和附表二內的附加條款.

1 However, if the tenant owed ​​under this contract to pay rent and / or other payments over seven days (regardless of whether any legal action to recover), or if the tenant violates any of the terms of this contract, the landlord can legally repossess the property and this the lease will be terminated immediately; owners can deduct from deposits due to the default of the tenant so that the loss suffered by the owners, and this right will not affect the rights of other legal actions landlord tenant breach of contract due to be taken.

2 term of the lease (to) surrender tenant, the landlord is entitled without relevant deposit, namely Hong Kong dollars, the tenant can not rent to non-payment of deposits to offset the lease period refunded.

3. Renewal period (to) as the two sides each party requires surrender, need one month's notice in writing to the other party, the owners need to refund the deposit to the tenant, the tenant can not rent to non-payment of deposits to offset the lease period .

4 such as when surrender, water units outstanding during the tenant, electricity, LPG, the owners are entitled to deduct the deposit to offset such amounts are not offset, the owner is entitled to recover the cost.

5 The tenant shall not sublet to a third party, otherwise, breach of contract theory, the unit owners entitled to immediately withdraw and recover the loss

6 both landlords and tenants agree to abide by additional terms in Schedule I and Schedule II within.
2014-07-06 1:14 am
1. 但若租客拖欠根據此合約需要支付的租金及/或其他款項超過七天(無論有否以法律行動追討)或若租客違反此合約內任何條款,業主可合法收回該物業而此租約將被立即終止;業主可從按金內扣除因租客違約而令業主所受的損失,而此項權利將不會影響業主因租客違約而可採取的其他合法行動的權利。

2. 租約期內 ( 至 ) 如租客退租, 業主有權不需退還有關之按金, 即港幣 , 租客亦不能以按金抵銷租約期內欠交之租金。

3. 續租期內 ( 至 ) 如雙方各一方要求退租, 需書面給對方一個月通知, 業主需退還按金予租客, 租客亦不能以按金抵銷租約期內欠交之租金。

4. 如退租時, 租客尚欠單位內之水費, 電費, 石油氣費, 業主有權扣減按金作抵銷, 如金額不抵銷, 業主有權追討有關費用。

5. 租客不得轉租予第三者, 否則作毀約論, 業主有權即時收回單位並追討有關之損失

6. 業主及租客雙方同意遵守附表一和附表二內的附加條款.

1 However, if the tenant owed ​​under this contract to pay rent and / or other payments over seven days (regardless of whether any legal action to recover), or if the tenant violates any of the terms of this contract, the landlord can legally repossess the property and this the lease will be terminated immediately; owners can deduct from deposits due to the default of the tenant so that the loss suffered by the owners, and this right will not affect the rights of other legal actions landlord tenant breach of contract due to be taken.

2 term of the lease (to) surrender tenant, the landlord is entitled without relevant deposit, namely Hong Kong dollars, the tenant can not rent to non-payment of deposits to offset the lease period refunded.

3. Renewal period (to) as the two sides each party requires surrender, need one month's notice in writing to the other party, the owners need to refund the deposit to the tenant, the tenant can not rent to non-payment of deposits to offset the lease period .

4 such as when surrender, water units outstanding during the tenant, electricity, LPG, the owners are entitled to deduct the deposit to offset such amounts are not offset, the owner is entitled to recover the cost.

5 The tenant shall not sublet to a third party, otherwise, breach of contract theory, the unit owners entitled to immediately withdraw and recover the loss

6 both landlords and tenants agree to abide by additional terms in Schedule I and Schedule II within.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 15:54:48
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