2014-07-05 3:52 am
本人BBA DEGREE 畢業, 如果只有一般的義工經驗, 可否報讀master of social work? 因為好像比非社工既人士申請, 如果只有義工經驗, 但無相關工作經驗, 系咪收的機會較微呢....???

回答 (3)

2014-07-07 7:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你的情況可以報讀港大或者理大的社工碩士課程, 如果單單少許義工經驗要成功申請會困難一些. 如果你有意投身社會工作, 你可以先試一試轉往社福機構工作, 成功機會高許多. 我有朋友同樣是工商管理畢業, 轉了去社福機構做行政主任. 結果理大的社工碩士課程收了他. 此外你亦可加強一些義工的參與, 例如生命熱線, 青協關心一線都需要義工較大的投入及較高的技巧(電話輔導) 如果你有興趣參與精神康復或者智障服務, 你可以參加香港心理衛生會的義工服務, 它專門服務精神病人, 精神康復或者智障人士, 訓練及服務都有系統. 多參與直接服務可助你面試的對答
2014-07-05 10:13 pm
1. It depends on the program you choose.

For example, you will not be qualified for CUHK's MSW program:


But you will be qualified for HKU's program:


2. Yes - your chance will be slim.
2014-07-05 10:06 am
then it depends on ur interview performance
i think just aa few volintary experoence is enough
and u are BBA law degree :D

2014-07-05 14:00:59 補充:
then why did u need to study this master degree ?
no future of ur current faculty?

2014-07-05 14:02:04 補充:
reli reli frankly speaking
just little experience on voluntary work
and ur business is totally unrelated to social work
of course the chance is small to death la
no need to ask o!

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