
2014-07-04 8:57 pm

回答 (10)

2014-07-09 6:53 pm
Excuse me, this report has not Chinese version?
2014-07-06 6:41 am
Do you have the Chinese version of the tax return form?
2014-07-06 1:17 am
Will this report there is no Chinese version?
請問這份報稅表 有沒有中文版本?

Will this tax table has no Chinese version?

2014-07-05 17:17:58 補充:
Do you have a Chinese version of the tax declaration form?

2014-07-05 17:18:15 補充:
Can you tell me that is there any tax return form with Chinese version?
2014-07-05 1:32 pm
Can you tell me that is there any tax return form with Chinese version?
參考: Myself
2014-07-05 2:05 am
May I know if there is a Chinese version for the tax return form?

2014-07-04 18:06:58 補充:

2014-07-04 18:08:27 補充:
改少少:May I know if there is a Chinese version [of] the tax return form?
2014-07-05 1:10 am
英文:Does this statement have the Chinese version?
2014-07-05 1:04 am
Will this report there is no Chinese version?
參考: 網上~
2014-07-04 11:23 pm
Will this tax table has no Chinese version?
2014-07-04 10:09 pm
Do you have a Chinese version of the tax declaration form?
2014-07-04 9:04 pm



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