
2014-07-04 5:23 am
i already notice the school office
i notice the school office already
i have already notice the school office
i have notice the school office already


回答 (6)

2014-07-04 7:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
我已經通知了學校的辦事處 (動詞的"通知" 最好用 inform or notify)

I have already informed (notified) the school office.

我已經通知了學校的辦事處 (名詞的"通知" = notice)

I have already given my notice to the school office.
2014-07-07 8:03 pm
i notice the school office already
參考: me
2014-07-04 3:01 pm
通知 (動詞) 最好用 notify (formal) or inform
I have already notified (informed) the school office.

I give someone notice 有特別的解釋
~ to tell someone that I will leave my job (or the place)
通知 某人我要辭職 (或搬走)

give my notice = hand in my notice
2014-07-04 8:27 am
I have already informed the school office.
參考: me
2014-07-04 6:22 am


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2014-07-03 23:52:21 補充:
石破天驚 說得對,如果用 「通知 + 對象 (object)」應該不要用 notice (作為動詞)。

我贊同 石破天驚 。
2014-07-04 6:16 am

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