2014-07-02 10:18 pm
So my boyfriend and i have been dating for 8 months im 23 and hes 28. He has a facebook and instagram i have both pswds because i dont have one and he says he wants me to use it upload pics that we take stuff like that. So today i was checking his messages and he was saying talking to his friend which is a girl and that he low key misses her and they were flirting on back and forth. Last week i saw his phone he was talking to his ex. The last time this happend i told him how i felt but he keeps doing it and worse i look stupid among the group knowing hes flirty with this girl and me being there. He doesnt let me talk to other guys or my guy friends. But obivsiuly its ok for him to do it idnk what to do please help theres no point on confronting him and when i asked him last time why he does things like this he shuts down and doesnt want to talk.

回答 (5)

2014-07-02 10:25 pm
girl! men are stupid they think with their d*** not their heart…they will stomp on you like a bug..believe it or nt..i was with someone like that..when i was with him i used to get on his fb all the time and see he was talking to girls i even tried to block them and he would unblock them..i agree with "h" dump his ***! it aint worth it because it will get worse for you…it did for me.. but thank god i found out the truth…Facebook and instagram are the devil! i tell you! it is one of the causes of divorces and people cheating...
2014-07-02 10:20 pm
dump him! girl you need someone who cares about you and only you if your love isnt enough then tell him he can have those women! lol
2014-07-02 10:27 pm
What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
You are not married, do you want to marry this person?

Ask yourself that. If the answer is no, then you have your answer.
You are young and there are literally millions of available men out there who would be very happy to be your man.

What you need is confidence.
You need to realize that you hold all the advantage, it is you that he wants. Don't be afraid to move on. Don't waste a year of your happiness hoping for change.
2014-07-02 10:26 pm
I just saw your post, and I think I may be of some help. I went threw something like this before, except I was in your bf's shoes. I have learned something since then, that I was selfish, and it was wrong for me to put my bf threw the torment of such a thing. Your bf, it sounds like he still has feelings for his ex, strong ones apparently. And he knows it's wrong, that's why he shuts down on you, cause he doesn't know what to say or do. I think it's time for you to really consider opening up to him with how you feel, and that you're at your wits end. That you'd rather find someone that can stay loyal to you to the end. No one deserves this...(Speaking from experience.)
2014-07-02 10:25 pm
You know, when I was your age I was in a similar situation, and I kept fighting and beating a dead horse going things would change, but they never did. Two years ago, I married an amazing man. He has taught me that, with true love, there is no reason to be jealous, and there are no games. He does everything in his power to make sure I'm comfortable. In the beginning, his daughter's mother would do stupid ****, but he always reassured me and did everything he could to show there was nothing to be jealous of.

Most guys like to flirt and get attention from other women, but that's an issue I don't have with my husband.

Take it or leave it, but my opinion is you should hold out for a man who doesn't do those things. You can talk to him about it, but more than likely, he'll just start hiding it. I may be wrong, but that's my experience...

Hope this helps!
From Erica

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