Will I go to hell for wearing Pants today (female)?

2014-07-02 10:04 pm
Deuteronomy 22:5 King James Version (KJV)

5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.

回答 (16)

2014-07-02 10:08 pm
This is a picture of Teddy Roosevelt as a kid, you'll be fine.
2014-07-02 10:50 pm
No dear, cross-dressing was forbidden by the Lord in ancient Israel for the Hebrews, ergo, there is no reason that Law should apply to you.
2014-07-02 10:19 pm
A cop can't wear a dress because of his work.

A firefighter can't wear certain things.

It is speaking of nessecary clothing that must be worn to get important tasks done only, "pertain" or "pertaineth" is the keyword there. It was like saying that a construction worker shouldn't wear flip-flops, everyone had their important work to do so that they could all be okay.

The others though that surrounded them would just do whatever, their nations of course were complete **** and nothing worked right for anyone.

See, even clothes are important sometimes, nessecary outfits worn to make sure everyone is okay and gets what they need.

This verse had nothing to do with idiots and their views on women and men but instead had everything to do with what people needed to wear to get important tasks done.
2014-07-02 10:06 pm
Oh my. Wear the stupid pants. It hurts absolutely no one. If it's cold, what are you supposed to do? Wear shorts? Religious people worry about the most stupid things.
2014-07-02 10:06 pm
That's just sick. You twisted slut! This is a CHRISTIAN country and you go strutting around like you deserve rights! I used to be like you, despicable. One time I even flashed a stranger my ankles but I was in a tough spot...
參考: jk
2014-07-02 10:15 pm
Well if it's an abomination, it's an abomination. Am I supposed to say something different? Don't cross dress.
2014-07-02 10:15 pm
No. Besides, churches nowadays use the old covenant as some sort of smorgasbord to pick what you like and leave what you dont. That same chapter if you keep reading it, forbids mixing crops, forbids wearing clothes from mixed fabrics and commands you to make tassles on your clothes. Keep reading to verses 11 and 12. Don't stop at verse 5 and see for yourself.

Either the rules of clothing from the Torah apply or they do not. It cannot be 'partly apply'. Such is an arbitrary hermeneutic.
2014-07-02 10:10 pm
He was talking about Political Correctness. Women marched in the '60's for "equality" -- as did Blacks--and the result was EVERYONE practicing sexism and racism in the form of Political Correctness.
PC only allows guilt of sexism to be "male only," --which it makes it strictly male.
You when women practice their sexism against men (that is "thinking out of men's d|cks for them...and then blaming them for it), women are "wearing mens pants."
So, yes, you are guilty and will go to hell because as with all things "woman," things just backfire.
2014-07-02 10:09 pm
For all we know it is referring to a woman attempting to take on the authority of a man in religious matters. When the woman has her own place of authority to begin with.

Perhaps it refers to a woman lording it over a man. The choice of words could be expressed metaphorically rather than literally speaking of a woman wearing pants like a man. When it could be talking about the woman wearing the pants in the family.
2014-07-02 10:09 pm
Jesus came and changed the game for the common person.
That is why there is a NEW testament.
You can still follow the old ways, adhere to the old testament but it is not required as the best way to enter the kingdom of heaven is to use your personal friendship with the king. You ask the king and the king is happy to let you in. It is that easy.

You are a Christian, you are not perfect, just forgiven.
Remember where the forgiveness comes from and the new commandment:
Love your neighbor as yourself; Jesus, Mark 12:31

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