Why are women suppose to be thin?

2014-07-02 9:54 pm
But men are suppose to be bigger?

Usually if a man has the build of a VS model, he is told to bulk up. And if a woman's hips were as big as a bodybuilder's chest, she is told to slim down. People only say that a man's waist should be small but he can be big anywhere else. Why can't that apply to women too?

It's a myth that big means masculine and small means feminine. Men and women should be relatively the same thickness to height ratio. Both big/small in different ways. If men are suppose to have big shoulders, women are suppose to have big hips. Both should have thin waists though.

回答 (9)

2014-07-02 9:59 pm
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Women and men aren't supposed to be anything, society only makes it seem that way. It pressures people into believing it.

Long ago, in my part of the world, a fat woman found a partner faster because thin women were seen to be "too bony with no meat on her".

I think women shouldn't be anything. Femininity isn't about how fat or thin you are. It's not about how you look. It's not about the way you think. It's about what sexual organs you were born with. That's what differentiates a man from a woman.
2014-07-02 10:03 pm
It has to do with how men and women are built. A man can be bigger, in this regard, because men have more muscle mass. A body builder is big, not because he's fat but because he has so much muscle. Now that's taking it to an extreme, but even your average man will have more muscle mass than a woman, even compared to a woman who ways more than him. Women are told to be thin, because thin women appear to be more healthy, and are thus more attractive. This becomes a negative thing when it's taken to the point of anorexia. But just to clarify a point, most men don't find girls that are that thin to be attractive. That has to do with images that fashion sells and negative self images some girls have, not the demands or expectations of guys.
2014-07-02 9:56 pm
Who says they are suppose to be thin?
You have been reading fashion magazines and watching too much TV.
2014-07-03 1:52 am
simple, because if i push into a tight woman, my d'ck is mightier than pushing into a wide woman and feeling like throwing a sausage into a gym. i dont think that is a myth but a biological neccessity of the ladies to get satisfied.
2014-07-02 10:59 pm
men tend to be bigger anyway taller and weight more, its about 13% difference, pretty minor
A gorilla male is about 50% larger than females

no supposed to about men in most cases are larger than females of the same population

Scandinavian women are much larger than North Korean men but their fellow Scandinavian males are bigger than they are
2014-07-02 10:26 pm
2014-07-02 10:08 pm
The physical form in the case of a woman is supposed to be representative of healthy DNA for the man to pass his genetic code through. For the past 2 million years of our evolution - up until a hundred years ago or so, physical form was the only guide we had, so it's buried deep in our unconscious that we find certain physical forms with women more attractive than others.

The larger size for a man represents a better protector/provider. Again, for the last 2 millions years of our evolution or so, it has held true, and only become a less important feature very recently
2014-07-02 10:05 pm
Perhaps it depends on what part of the country you are living in. In my part of the country, some people still believe in the old ways, and that a woman like me, who is on the slimmer side, are not very good "wife" material, for like the other poster have said, I do not have enough meat on my body, so I would not have big strong babies . . or I may not survive child birthing . . . some people's mentality are not too quick to change . . . =P
2014-07-02 9:59 pm
Women usually need to be appealing to the eye. I sort of like voluptuous.

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