Do Conservatives treat the Constitution like they do their wives?

2014-07-02 9:37 pm
"Honey, I love you, but there are things about you that need to change".

回答 (7)

2014-07-02 9:38 pm
Let's hope Obama doesn't treat his wife like he does the Constitution: "Honey, I love you, but I think you are fundamentally flawed" (Obama's actual words in an interview about the Constitution).
2014-07-02 9:40 pm
No. 0bama is the one who promised CHANGE.

And 0bamacare forced the change on Hobby Lobby.

Is lying your hobby?
2014-07-02 9:45 pm
There is nothing wrong with wanting to change the Constitution. That's WHY the amendment process, a whole article of the Constitution, is there. The difference between Conservatives and Progressive Liberals is this.

Conservatives treat the Constitution with Originalism. If the Constitution is not clear on a subject, they go back to original documents of the drafters of those parts in question to glean their intent. Conservatives also respect the amendment process as the way to change the Constitution, including intent. Changes to it are up to the people of the US via their state representatives.

Liberals think of the Constitution as a living document. It's meaning and intent can change depending how those in government want it to mean. Amendments aren't always necessary. The meaning of the Constitution can be set by activist judges.
2014-07-02 9:40 pm
Neither doofus.
It is your Constitution also,
it protects your free speech also,
it protects you freedom to assemble your friends also;
it ensures you are safe from criminals also, doofus.

The US Constitution is the framework, the internal structure, the bones of the body. When you break your bones, you loose some ability.

It is your Constitution and is not owned by one group.
2014-07-02 9:39 pm
If that means leaving it and never taking care of it, then yes, they do.
2014-07-02 9:39 pm
Conservatives are not trying to repeal the First Amendment.
2014-07-02 9:39 pm
I can't even believe as a liberal you are going to dare and say we are the people changing things. You are a very stupid female!

By the way here is how I treat my wife:
Peapod delivers our.
Clothing goes out 2x a week to a dry cleaner.
We have a cleaning girl once a week.
I just paid for her, and her mother to spend a week on the FL gulf coast.
New SUV last year.
I do all of the cooking when we eat at home.

What does your hubby do for you? Roll you a joint, order take out, and rent a movie once a week?

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