He's defensive after rejection but wants to be friends?

2014-07-02 9:14 pm
I'm in my 20's and met a middle-aged, divorced man at a bar. We went on one date, but I didn't enjoy it. So after a few days, I told him that I did not feel a connection and would rather be friends. Suddenly he called to say that he is not interested in women like me who have flat butts and hairy legs so he is happy to be friends. He texted that his ex looked like Kim Kardashian and he can get almost any woman he wants. He assured me that I am not his type, and reminded me of a girl who walked past us on our date because he was interested in her. He reminded me of the kiss we had and said he didn't enjoy it because when he tried to grope me, he felt my bony ***. I told him that if he keeps being defensive, then we can't be friends. He changed the subject but I am worried that he still harbors animosity. Does he have the potential to be a good friend or will he always dwell on the rejection?

回答 (7)

2014-07-02 9:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He is immature and unintelligent. Avoid men like him. Do not be friends with him.

He is being defensive because he is hurt for the fact that you rejected him (you didn't feel a connection with him). So he is belittling you.

Immature men do this!

By the way, please ignore all his negative rants about your body. Its not true, yoru very beautiful!
2014-07-02 9:24 pm
A man that insults me is not my friend.
2014-07-02 9:16 pm
NO NO NO and NO...........he is a sore looser and those are never good to keep around
2014-07-02 9:32 pm
He's a first class JERK of a potential friend. YOU could do a lot better.
2014-07-02 9:25 pm
Lol @ hairy legs and flat butt... Sorry. But stop talking to him if he continues to put you down and dwell on rejection.
2014-07-03 12:37 am
How does he know you have a flat butt and hairy legs? If you didnt have a connection with him on one date then you shouldnt have had sex with him either, lol.
2014-07-02 9:16 pm
Remind yourself there are literally millions of available bachelors waiting to be you girlfriend. They are out there, go and find them.

Don't drive in the rear-view mirror. Look forward.

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