Conservatives are fighting Immigration Reform, so do they have all their kids working the farms this summer to help struggling farmers?

2014-07-02 9:10 pm
They claim that there are not jobs Americans will not do, but US farms continue to struggle to find workers, especially in the summer days in Southern Arizona.

回答 (9)

2014-07-02 9:12 pm
people like you are the reason we actually have labeling laws...

...and instructions on boxes of toothpicks..
2014-07-02 9:13 pm
Migrant farm workers work seasonally and go home. Illegals do not work in the fields. FAIL! LOL
2014-07-02 9:22 pm
We are up to our eyeballs in immigration laws that Obama does not obey. Obama is the problem not the solution. Liberals don't know anything about work...
2014-07-02 9:14 pm
No reform is need.
There is already a "Path to Citizenship", people become US citizens every day. Craig Ferguson did it. Literally millions of people have become naturalized citizen of the USA.

So there are really no new laws needed.
2014-07-02 9:12 pm
Mine are. For free. builds character. you should look into getting some. :)
2014-07-02 9:18 pm
Tell them to look in the carpet mills and chicken plants of North Georgia. That's where many of their illegal workers skipped off to. M'kay? And like, they didn't seem to need 'immigration reform' to get those jobs.

They can also look in the local welfare offices. Plenty of those illegal workers there too. See? I solved their problem for them. Now shut up!
2014-07-02 9:16 pm
My son was raised doing all sorts of volunteer work, as were most of my friends children. He now continues to feed the homeless, volunteer at animal shelters etc as an adult...perhaps if the left raised their children in a similar manner we would live in a better society.
2014-07-02 9:14 pm
You know, you're absolutely right.
We NEED that slave class in our country to work on the farms for pennies a day.
Also, the illegal immigrant women used for rapes to "blow off steam" at the end of the day.

It's not like they're humans or anything. Work 'em to death then send to Mexico for more.
2014-07-02 9:14 pm
Obama should use Executive Order, fvck those cons...

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