Why do atheists ask "which god"?

2014-07-02 8:49 pm
My answer is, same God, different names.

回答 (22)

2014-07-02 8:52 pm
So, Mithra, the son of god who ancient Persians worshiped is the same as Jesus?

You're not very bright, are you?
2014-07-02 8:53 pm
Mormon god forbids drinking coffee. Catholic god doesn't.
Catholic god forbids using contraceptives. Lutheran god doesn't.
Lutheran god wants you to draw your faith from scripture alone. Mormon god says you should also follow the prophet.

These are clearly different gods who want contradictory things. You can't say they're the same god.
2014-07-02 8:51 pm
Well that's just a cop out. How can Krishna and Jesus be the same when Jesus says he is the only way?
2014-07-02 9:57 pm
I only say that no actual gods or devils exist anywhere outside of any ones inculcated minds!!! Religions are only con man made up organizations!!!
2014-07-02 9:00 pm
There are currently millions of Christ-based testimonies all around the world. So it's quite obvious to know which God is the creator of the universe.



2014-07-02 8:57 pm
Primarily ignorance.. which is the basis for most atheist questions.
2014-07-04 2:03 am
Every church describes God as different, even among the "christian" churches they mostly describe God differently. Two people who claim God teaches different things aren't worshiping the same God.
2014-07-02 9:10 pm
Because each god/gods/goddesses behave differently in each religion. You think theyre all the same, so explain to me how the hell Set & Thor are similar.?
2014-07-02 9:01 pm
there have been thousands of gods throughout history. what makes yours the right one? other than where and when you live?
2014-07-02 8:58 pm
it is important since different religions different god.


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