What makes Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces different in bed from each other?

2014-07-02 6:14 pm
Be as sexual and detailed as possible please?

回答 (2)

2014-07-03 6:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Scorpio will make sex into a deep, psychological experience. They will try to possess you mind, body, and soul - not just physically. They have the most stamina of all the water signs and will impress you the most in bed.
Cancer is all about the cuddles and kissing along with the sex. They want to nurture and mother their partners during sex, which can be a big turn on to some people. They are probably the least adventurous in bed of the water signs and will be the most traditional when it comes to sex.
Pisces are the pleasers in bed. They want to make sure you enjoy it more than they do. They can lose themselves in the act of sex and pleasing their partner, which isn't always a good thing. They're the most willing to experiment and try something new, they'll roll with the punches. They have a way of sensing and knowing exactly what you want before you even say it.
2014-07-03 8:25 am
Great Question!
Sex with Cancer: Shy yet sexual, Cancerians-the women in particular-need to be gently guided toward lust. Initially they are looking mainly for romance. Cancerians love the soft touch. they are not naturally a sexual adventurer or an experimenter. However, they are easily influenced.
Sex with Scorpio: Scorpios are generally fascinated by sex. For scorpios sex is never an end in itself. There is something else on their agenda: power. They will use sex to gain power and money. Scorpios test their lovers endlessly. Any sign of sexual shortcoming (for instance, if you are too tired to perform) is more likely to be met with sarcasm than sympathy. but, if your previous relationships have been lacking in lust, if you feel yourself drawn to the dark side of the erotic, Scorpio could be the partner you are after- for, more than any other sign, they hold out the promise of plummeting to the mysterious depths of the sexual underworld.
Sex with Pisces: Sensuality rather than raw manic passion is the primary desire of your typical Piscean. They need lots of nurturing, yet they want a strong, technically excellent lover too. They favor the soft rather than the athletic side of sex and have a very sensitive relationship with their bodies. BUT, they are very suggestible. In fact, many Pisceans have a sort of "concubine" mentality- they want to learn their lover's fantasies and bring them to life with intuitive flair.They love to please and try to make sex a work of art. They often have an intuitive touch. You might find that certain parts of your anatomy receive loving attention they haven't enjoyed for a long time;)
參考: Seduction by the Stars by Ren Lexander & Geraldine Rose (Highly recommended! Tells you all about how to interest a zodiac sign, how to seduce them, what sex would be like for them, what to do, and how to end a relationshiop with a zodiac sign).

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