If I'm an atheist, can I form a corporation that is religious?

2014-07-02 5:59 pm
I want to form a corporation where the corporation itself is a believer in Church of Jesus Christ Scientist, even though the founding members and employees are all atheists.

回答 (5)

2014-07-02 6:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
That would be interesting to see. You should make all your employees wear shirts with Charles Darwin on it >:D serves them right.
2014-07-02 6:13 pm
You would not be the first "church" invented to only further the financial needs of its founders. Shame you don't have any more integrity than that.
2014-07-02 6:18 pm
In don't think you understand what a corporation is
2014-07-02 6:02 pm
If you own a business you can hire whoever and however you want. It's liberals that demand people adhere to their beliefs and there are liberals who are religious who will call a lawyer. It would be funny because if you were liberal and that happened you would get a taste of your own medicine. Especially black folks who vote Democrat who would have Al Sharpton outside your business if you are a white atheist saying that you made it employees have to be atheists to hide racial bigotry since statistically their isn't many black atheists.
2014-07-02 6:48 pm
I think that you need to get some good lawyer or law student. My thinking is that if a corporation has religion then it should be exempt from all taxes as any religious institution. You only need carry a line of Bibles or something to prove your religousity. You have to prove that your corporation is also a church. Maybe have drive in chapels where Bible verses are played. We have a used care salesman who became a minister and now owns a resort, there is precedent here.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:47:12
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