
2014-07-03 2:48 am
現行法例容許警務人員係公眾地方向可疑市民進行截停搜查, O甘係大學校園範圍入面又可唔可以?

回答 (1)

2014-07-03 4:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes - Universities are not special areas that the police's authority does not apply.

2. The detail, in a simple word, is regarding the police's unreasonable detention of certain students during a visit by Chinese Prime Minister.

Based on the existing law, once the search is completed, the police has only 2 choices - either arrest or release the subject. In this case, neither happened and the students are prevented from leaving the premise.

2014-07-03 03:29:11 補充:
3. It is possible. As a way to safeguard, universities hire their own security (and of course, under the universities' rule, the security has a limited search authority, like verifying if you are a student or not). So it is rare for the police to be on campus.

4. Limited-access public area.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 15:50:37
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