臨床心理學 升讀問題

2014-07-02 11:41 pm
現在在香港從事設計工作 但想轉行 設計始終賺得慢
想讀"臨床心理學"degree 但我會考成績不好, 去了外國後才勤讀書, 也擁有IELTS 6.5分. 我的情況要怎樣的路徑才能讀這科? 有夜校讀嗎?

回答 (4)

2014-07-03 12:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
Clinical Psychology is not a typical major for postgraduate studies, as in most of world, an applicant of this major is required to have a Bachelor in any Psychology. Also, Clinical Psychology is definitely a day-time and full-time program for many universities, as obviously one of the graduation requirement is internship.

In this case, you will not be qualified unless you can have a Psychology degree quickly. But your English language requirement will be waived as soon as you can submit a transcript from a English-speaking country (Australia is one of those), even your Psychology degree may be issued in somewhere else.

My suggestion is if you can, go back to Australia and complete it. The reason is psychologists are not a recognized profession in accordance to Hong Kong Ordinance. Most psychologists in Hong Kong, in fact, use a foreign accreditation to practice. In your case, you can obtain your license in Australia.

2015-06-24 5:33 pm
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2014-07-03 4:03 am
1) Master of psychology required for this profession. To your condition, studying degree of Psychology is a must.

2) IELTS 6.5 probably not enough (a large extent) to enter CU/ HKU/ PU, it's recommended to continue your study oversea, especially the university you studied.
2014-07-03 3:01 am
在香港讀臨床心理學碩士學位是很困難的, 原因是要先有心理學的學士學位,成績還要在2等1級或以上的成績. 另外可能還要做2-3年研究助理才有較大的機會, 因為有關的學位很少. 最多的時候一年有40個位(中大, 港大)同時開, 少的時候只有20或19個位, 因只有一間大學開. 而每間大學都有心理學系.因此競爭非常劇烈. 如果你要在香港讀的話, 要讀心理學,之後做RA, 重要考幾次. 可能要花你8年以上才可完成臨床心理學的學位課程, 前提是要中大和港大收你讀, 你又不是中大和港大畢業, 機會差一些.

其實你可以在澳洲讀的, 競爭少一些, 課程輕鬆些. 我有朋友在學港社工學士畢業, 去澳洲考入了臨床心理學, 學成之後香港亦承認. 你在澳洲畢業, 在那邊轉讀臨床心理學會容易很多.

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