中文翻譯英文 急急 不要網頁電腦翻譯 感謝x1000

2014-07-02 2:50 pm
中文翻譯英文 急急 不要網頁電腦翻譯 感謝x1000


回答 (6)

2014-07-03 5:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to inform you that your equipment does not work at all, and is inconsistent with its description as some of the accessories mentioned were not shipped to me. I would therefore want from you an explanation and an immediate refund of the US$ 4,000 I have already paid, regardless of the insurance you purchased.

Thank you so much and l look forward to your prompt reply.

Yours faithfully,
2014-07-03 4:27 pm
Your apparatus does not work as stated in the manual/instructions, some accessories were found omitted.

Please explain and refund the paid US400.

The insuranceyou have purchased has no concern with us.
2014-07-03 11:43 am
To whom it may concern, Yourequipment is not functional which is in discrepancy with the manualdescription. Furthermore, theaccessories had not been sent completely to us. Please explain the reasons for our aforementioned concerns and give us arefund of USD4000. Your purchasing ofthe insurance is not relevant to our company regulations. I appreciate your cooperation in this matterin advance. Should you have anyquestions, please feel free to contact me at xxxx-xxxx. Thank you.
Yours Faithfully,

2014-07-03 1:42 am

Hello: You can not operate the instrument, description of goods not as described, not all wear parts shipped goods, please explain why and immediately returned US4000 payments made to me, you buy insurance and I do not have relationships.


How are you?
Your machine sent doesn't look functional or operational;
the product description doesn't look practical and accurate;
the serviceable accessories are not all delivered.
Please explain the reasons and refund for a payment US$ 4,000;
whether you've insured yourself against loss has nothing to do with me
2014-07-02 5:46 pm
How are you !! Regarding the apparatus which was delivered by you recently was found not working and that might be due to lack of some spare parts or being not in line with the specification of the apparatus in question. In that case, please give me a prompt reply and to refund my prepayment of US$4,000 at your earliest. As far as damages being concerned, it is nothing to do with me for you can claim compensation from your insurance company.
參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation” published by Hong Kong Oxford University Press in 1975
2014-07-02 5:23 pm
How are you?
Your machine sent doesn't look functional or operational;
the product description doesn't look practical and accurate;
the serviceable accessories are not all delivered.
Please explain the reasons and refund for a payment US$ 4,000;
whether you've insured yourself against loss has nothing to do with me .

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 15:50:28
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