I think i may have damaged my graphics card by stepping on it?

2014-07-02 5:14 am
I had boxed up my graphics card inside my bag and put it on the floor. Couple of days later i had accidently stepped on my bag and immediately got off it. I had checked it inside and the graphics card was inside.
I know graphics cards are extremely delicate and so i went to check if it still works. Surprisingly it managed to work well, as normal. It is removed now.
But i still fear i may have caused it some damage and it may come up later, i dont know. Is this possible?

回答 (4)

2014-07-02 6:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
its certainly possible to do damage by stepping on it, but if it is working then you may be OK. impossible to predict what may or may not happen in the future, not much you can do about it so why worry
2014-07-02 5:47 am
Possible and probable.
2014-07-02 5:19 am
2014-07-02 6:50 am
May Allah lest. I think it should first check. I can understand the situation better. Well you are right.

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