What Personality Type Am I? (Myers-Briggs)?

2014-07-02 1:22 am
I have taken a few online quizzes, and they tell me that I am ESTP- but when I read online profiles and traits of ESTP People, they do not match me.

Here are some facts about me:
Middle Child
Hard-Worker, but can be lazy
Straight A's in school, but it comes easily
when in a scenario with new people I am quiet, then when i get comfortable with them i am really loud (ex. first 2 months of school i was quiet- now front and center)
I notice everything- little things and i can tell a lot about a situation just by reading people
I am not like super wild but i am not a completely straight arrow
very driven**
i dont like being alone- like being surrounded by people but i sometimes block them out
easily bored
care what other people think a lot
social anxiety- (constantly wonder if people like or hate me)
want to be friends with everyone
i care a lot about what others think of me- but dont make decisions around others
care about looks
really want to be successful
really want to get recognition
like to impress others
want to be the best at whatever i do
hate failure
get lost in my imagination
dream up scenarios when bored
semi- ADHD in the way that my thought always bounce around because i am constantly thinking of new things
i would like to be spontaneous and in the moment, but sometimes i waste days waiting for the future to come.

i can provide more info if necessary

回答 (2)

2014-10-04 7:21 am
The online test are not all that accurate regarding type assignment. A more efficient way of figuring out your type is to really study the functions in depth. For a very simplified description of each: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20141015142032AA2ra9O

ESTP: Se-Ti-Fe-Ni
ISTP: Ti-Se-Ni-Fe
ENFJ: Fe-Ni-Se-Ti
INFJ: Ni-Fe-Ti-Se

ESFP: Se-Fi-Te-Ni
ISFP: Fi-Se-Ni-Te
ENTJ: Te-Ni-Se-Fi
INTJ: Ni-Te-Fi-Se

ESTJ: Te-Si-Ne-Fi
ISTJ: Si-Te-Fi-Ne
ENFP: Ne-Fi-Te-Si
INFP: Fi-Ne-Si-Te

ESFJ: Fe-Si-Ne-Ti
ISFJ: Si-Fe-Ti-Ne
ENTP: Ne-Ti-Fe-Si
INTP: Ti-Ne-Si-Fe

The ESTP and ESFP dominant function is extroverted sensing. The ESTP and ESFP live in a world of sights, smells, colors, tastes, and sounds.

The ENTP and ENFP dominant function is extroverted intuition. The ENTP and ENFP live in a world of possibilities, ideas, abstractions, and theories.

ESTP: dominant Se, auxiliary Ti, tertiary Fe, inferior Ni
ESFP: dominant Se, auxiliary Fi, tertiary Te, inferior Ni

Stereotypically speaking...

Both the ESTP and ESFP energetically seek physical experience that stimulate the five senses (dominant Se). They have an excellent, moment-to-moment awareness of their physical surroundings, noticing details that all the other temperaments overlook. They can become absorbed in sensation to the point of becoming one with the environment. They are captivated by and gravitate towards the all activities that the material world has to offer. They live life with loads of fast-paced, quick decisive action. However, they have difficulty connecting the dots between events and seeing beyond the obvious in life (inferior Ni). They make an unwise choice, then move on, then make a very similar choice, then move on, then make...see the pattern? They wouldn't. It's almost like they'd have to go through each and every single solitary type of experience an order to gain an understanding of them. They have trouble seeing the implied relationships between occurrences. They treat every problems as if its own issue. So, if they had a lot of issues with a few root causes, they'd be the last ones to be aware that those were actually the foundational causes.

The ESTP is better at resourcefully troubleshooting physical challenges, analytically utilizing systemic, process-oriented logic (auxiliary Ti). So he does fairly well in tackling challenges in emergency crises. The ESFP is more in touch with his morals and values, readily identifying his stance on what is good and evil, right and wrong (auxiliary Fi). He has an emotional understanding of situations. The ESTP is often times oblivious to social dynamics (tertiary Fe). He may unknowingly, forcefully hog the attention of others when socializing, disrupting the collective, gracious harmony of the group. The ESFP has a bit of an issue with organizational thinking (tertiary Te). He finds it difficult to logistically execute step-by-step procedures to complete his responsibilities or goals.

ENTP, ENFP: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20140712223941AAFUkYa
2014-07-02 1:27 am
Try ENTP and see if that fits. If not, try ENFP.

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