
2014-07-02 6:50 am
Regarding a recent accident at Wanchai that an objects falling down from height onto a car, he reminds the owner to adopt adequate precaution such as to provide advance notification to Management Office and to prohibit the use of car parking underworking area while working at height so as to prevent accident repeat.

hi, 麻煩你地幫我修改返以上既句子令佢睇上去通順D , 簡短D, 同埋睇睇有冇文法錯誤呀,Thank you very much!!

回答 (5)

2014-07-05 4:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Considering a recent accident in Wanchai in which an object falling down from a high place damaged a car, he reminds the owner of the building to take adequate precautions to prevent a similar accident from happening. The owner should notify the Management Office about the schedule of the work and prohibit any car parking nearby while building repairs are being carried out at height.

he ??
at height = 在高空
是否 building repairs ? Replace this term if not.

My Comment:
1. in Wanchai, (not "at")
Wanchai is a metropolitan area. You should use “in”.
~ at the junction of Hennessy Road and Luard Road

2. falling or fallen ?
發問者 LauMing 是用 falling ~ present participle
想知道三位回答者為什麼用 fallen, (a past participle or an adjective)
刻意將 falling 改了fallen, 你們一定有理由. Any feedback is welcome.
So far, 我單獨同意發問者用 falling .

My reasoning:
Fall 是 intransitive verb, 不能有 object, 因此無 passive
An object falls.
An object is fallen (by someone) ~ grammatically wrong.

Fallen 如果作形容詞, 只可放在 noun 前面, 形容 noun, 是 attributive adjective
例如 a fallen object, fallen 不是放在object 後面

To Jenkin:
美國 Yahoo, Merriam-Webster, Reader's Digest, Random House, Encarta
英國字典 Oxford, Cambridge, Longman, Chambers, Cobuild 是無 reoccurrence
只在 Wiktionary, 網上 Free Dictionary, 英漢字典找到
用 reoccurrence 不是錯, 但10 本字典無這字, 我避免用

Is it comprehensive (廣泛的) or comprehensible (可理解的)?

2014-07-06 03:07:42 補充:
fallen 在句子不是講己發生既事, 因無 has/had 在 fallen 前面
fallen 是 past paticiple, 但不能有 passive 含意
只有 transitive verb 能有 passive

Past participle is used to form past participial phrase.
The man who was questioned refused to answer.
The man questioned refused to answer. (“questioned” ~ passive.)
question 是 t.v.

2014-07-06 05:05:29 補充:
Present participle is used to form a present participial phrase.

Anyone who touches that wire will get the shock.
Anyone touching that wire will get the shock. (touching ~ active)

He tries to save his marriage which falls apart.
He tries to save his marriage falling apart.(falling ~ active)

2014-07-06 05:38:24 補充:
Do you know anyone who has lost a cat?
Do you know anyone lost a cat? ~ wrong
Do you know anyone having lost a cat? ~ wrong

As he had failed the GCE A-level exam, he took up teaching.
Having failed the G.C.E A-level exam, he took up teaching.

這個 failed (past participle) 係講己發生既事
2014-07-05 7:52 pm
RE Jenkin: HE owner:

當係勞工署人員提醒 Contractor..

[Labour Department Safety Officer ] reminds the contractor to apply adequate precaution.

我見政府俾contractor既警告信有reoccurrence malpractice 呢兩個字.

re Godfrey:

係building repair, construction works , 好似external painting works

用fallen 係埋因為講己發生既事?
2014-07-04 6:54 am
See if the following revision helps

In order to avoid the repetition of the recent accident at Wanchai in which an objects fallen down from height damaged the car in the park lot, the landlord must inform (n days) in advance the management office of the schedule and nature of the work to be carried out at his / her premises. The service of the parking lots in the area nearby would be temporarily suspended.

remark : As there is the subject "he" whose reference is indeterminable, I've made something else up to make it a comprehensive one.
2014-07-02 7:21 pm
Regarding a recent accident at Wanchai that an object[] fallen down from height onto a car, [he] reminds the ?? owner to apply adequate precaution such as providing advance notice to the Management Office and to prohibit the use of parking space under the working area [] so as to prevent accident reoccurrence [/repeated accident].[he]沒有前文不能明白是誰-最好寫明那人名字/名稱。這報告是否指管理處,(he)是管理經理???請指明是甚麼的owner-從內容看可能是shop owner或者是flat owner。你沒有指明所講的高空工作在那裏,只能假設是戶外外牆或者是某招牌工程等,那車位亦假設是露天的私人車位。假如是公眾車位。prevent accident reoccurrence或者prevent repeated accident都可以。但原寫法prevent accident repeat則不是英文(可能是你以中文想像的文法詞組:”防止意外再生”)
2014-07-02 5:03 pm
If Grammar is correct, then fluency and concise are seen; reduction of clauses to phrases are also seen:-
Error and correction:-
Regarding a recent accident at Wanchai
about an object fallen from height onto a car--------participial phrase containing a gerund
he reminds--------subject +verb
the owner to take adequate precaution
(=to provide advance notification-----HOW ?)
to management office------------infinitive phrases
and to prohibit car parking------- co-infinitive clause
under working area(=at height)--------participial phrase
to prevent further accident.--------infinitive clause
Thank you very much !!

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