如何在英文dse取得好成績 不知從何入手(10點)

2014-07-01 10:38 am
我讀緊band2中既中學,比起band1英文方面已經冇左優勢,打算今年暑假開始操英文(目前成績中上),目標係係dse at least 英文拎5,但唔知從何入手,其實背默文章work唔work架???

回答 (4)

2014-07-02 8:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
My experience is "reading, writing, speaking and listening"

1) Reading

Newspaper - start from Young Post (Part of SCMP), then newspaper oversea (RT/ Washington). You can start with reports that you are interested in, such as technology and natural science etc.

Fictions - start from fictions published for S1, train your reading speed. Then, ficiton for S2 and S3, review your ability on vocabulary. A foundation is important towards further development.

Magazine - after you are confident with your reading ability, magazine can be regarded as a challenge or test (Really difficult). Discovery Channel and National Geographic are recommended. If you can understand general meaning of every page without using dictionary, level 4 is not a problem.

2) Writing

Diary - casual and continuous. start from 100 words, then 150 ....

Write - choose social issue or your interest as starting point. You can ask your teachers to give general comments (maybe)

3) Listening

News report -> Soap Opera with English Sub. -> TEDs (recommend)

4) Speaking

Imagination - My experience is giving a speech in my bedroom everyday. Topics can be social issues, interests, .........

2014-07-01 6:06 pm
at least your writings need to have no grammatical mistakes.
You can train it by writing more and then give your essays to your teachers.
If you want to brush up your english proficiency, recite more vocab by readi\ng more newspapers, movies or tv documentary shows.

Plz dont recite others' works without digesting them
2014-07-01 3:51 pm

2014-07-01 10:48 am

應該大概可以相對你在各份試卷 (Paper) 的表現。


操練試題雖然未必徹底符合教育原則,但為了應付考試也是必需的,你試找不同的練習來做,可用 past paper, mock paper 等等。

也看看考評局的 Sample Paper 和 Practice Paper:

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