I have just recently returned to R&S. How do I answer a question? I was gone a longtime.?

2014-07-01 3:42 am
Before my recent return I was gone about 2 years and rarely visited. I am an ol'timer from 2005.

I found there seem to be a problem with netscape


How are you Sandylynn?


Class of 2005.

回答 (11)

2014-07-01 4:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's not what it used to be, that's for sure. Used to be you could find some really great answers & some equally great people behind the answers. Now you've got....well, this warmed over leftover. Can't even change the avatar's clothes. My poor avatar is stuck in winter. Oh by the way....welcome back. Not too many of us "old timers" around anymore. Most of us hang out on facebook, finding other ways to entertain & educate ourselves. The best advice I can give is to keep your questions short & your answers shorter (though I rarely give short answers myself). Don't engage the trolls who love it when they poke you with a stick & you respond back to them. Have a blessed day. <*)))><
2014-07-01 4:10 am
Welcome back to the sucky purple format. You can figure it out with practice.
2014-07-01 4:06 am
Run! Get out while you still can!

Seriously, this place isn't what it used to be. Too many trolls and really, REALLY bad arguments
2014-07-01 4:02 am
Pray to the yahoo rodent.
2014-07-01 3:54 am
Click the button that reads "Answer This Question".
2014-07-01 3:46 am
2014-07-01 3:44 am
Each question has a box below it where you can type in your response.
2014-07-01 3:43 am
look to the right side
2014-07-01 3:48 am
Suck up to the atheists. They need a good petting and a dunce cap adjustment. Lol
2014-07-02 12:57 pm
Pray to the yahoo rodent.
2014-07-01 4:23 am
You have to scroll down to the bottom now, in order to answer a question. I hate this new format.

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