Is Whey protein effective? I want to build muscle?

2014-06-30 8:21 pm
I soon plan on hitting the gym to bulk up (Man Of Steel kind of bulk up) and while I do have access to nuts, eggs and chicken; I want to make sure I have enough protein in my system. I was thinking of taking whey since I hear it is very good for building muscle. Is it really effective? Should I take it before or after a workout? Which Whey protein would you recommend?

回答 (5)

2014-06-30 8:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Whey is good, and simply another option for something to consume when your diet needs variation.

Technically all complete proteins help build muscle. Different sources of complete proteins will have different amounts of the amino acids in them, which is why its best to eat a range of different protein foods throughout the day.

I would recommend always eating prior to your work out, and depending on how hard you train eat something afterwards. If you plan your calories out well you can stay well within your calories limits. On your training days, eat more. On rest days eat at least your maintenance amount of calories.
2014-06-30 8:26 pm
You should take it after a workout, if you're getting like whey powder though I'd suggest investing in a blender of some sort because it's disgusting if you just mix it with one liquid but pretty tolerable smoothie. Also word of advice you shouldn't eat to many nuts because they're an unsuspecting source of fat if you eat to much.
2014-06-30 8:25 pm
Never buy supplements online.
Go to your store such as walmart or Target and buy local.
Online things can contain arsenic, lead, mercury, you name it
I take Pure Protein. Works just dandy. 1/2 hour before work out.
2016-05-17 6:42 pm
Have you been looking to add 50lbs to your bench? How about in 10 days? This really is what you would get with this specific easy lockout plan
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2014-09-22 4:00 pm
Did you ever tried using Muscle Gaining Secrets procedure. Try right here : . It might definitely explain people!

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