丁屋業權+報稅問題 (求救!!!)

2014-07-01 1:07 am
我媽媽N年前同個丁買左丁屋, 但係冇補地價... 靜靜雞咁買黎自住... 依家我都冇自己住, 就租左俾第2個...

最近我媽報稅就將租金收入報埋上去, 諗住老實D, 廢事忍瞞喇... 點知依家仲麻煩, 稅局無喇喇寄封信黎叫我地解釋層樓點黎, 問我地係唔係業主?! 唔係的話又點解可以收租...比較麻煩係個丁已經死左, 但係佢遺囑就寫左層樓俾我媽 (唔知有冇用)。

我有諗過點答, 但係又怕稅局問到底...
1. 我地係業主... (但係我地冇野證明到)
2. 我地唔係業主... 只係代理人 (但係我地冇授權書... 份遺囑O唔OK? 但係個丁死左果時我媽又冇做承辦業權)
3. 唔應稅局, 話之佢... (但係媽媽又擔心稅局係咁追住)

究竟點攪好... 煩左老媽子好多日, 真心冇辦法, 所以搵大家俾D意見...


回答 (3)

2014-07-01 2:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
What tricky about your case are:

1. Your mother is the actual owner, but not the official owner;

2. You provided no detail of the ownership (how the government lease was written).

In this case, what you should do, at the least, is to prepare all the written information regarding the ownership (including Land Registry Record). Also, you should contact the Land Department and see if the market difference is needed to be paid when this lot is sold.

As soon as you have cleared everything, your mother should ask the High Court for a probate so that the lot can be inherited to your mother. Once, it is done, the concern of IRD will be resolved.

At the mean time, you should request extension to respond to IRD and pay all tax.

A friendly reminder - this problem has to deal with eventually.
2014-07-01 8:10 am
2014-07-01 7:31 am
2. OK,但先搵LAWYER (有D ACCOUNT 都懂得很多LEGAL東西呢)
3. 唔得,佢會先咬不放。

但不用太WORRY,我以前更煩既野找了朋友 (他是律師行做既ACCOUNTANT),咩事去到佢手中都好似變了好簡單咁,您快D搵ACCOUNTANT/LAWYER問啦。


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