How Much Weight Can A Horse Hold?

2014-06-30 1:51 am
I was thinking about contacting my old horseback riding iinstructor to see if I could start riding horse again and I want to know how much weight a horse could hold?

回答 (5)

2014-07-01 2:00 am
Depends on the horse, how long you will be riding that day and what style of riding you will be doing.

People tend to forget that the saddle has weight as well.

Western saddles can weigh roughly from 25 to 75 pounds or more
English saddles can weigh roughly from 10 to 25 pounds or more.

Add that to your weight and remember that even though a horse can carry a lot of weight are sturdy and hardy does not mean they should be forced to carry that much weight.
If said rider is over weight, they should take the time to lose weight not only for riding but for themselves. Its important to be healthy.
2014-06-30 1:52 am
of course it depends on the horse but I've know folks upward to 300 who ride.....but that have a good sized horse and it's used to the extra weight.
2014-06-30 4:09 am
It depends on what kind of horse you have, how much the horse weights, and how tall it is. If it is a young horse (2 or 3 years old), riding it bareback could get you bucked off or hurt the horse, if its growth plates have not completely finished growing. An average aged horse, and about 15 hands can carry anywhere from 150-250 pounds.
2014-06-30 1:58 am
It depends on the horse, as some breeds are better weight carriers than others. In any case, there aren't many people who can't ride because of their weight. I would contact your former instructor and let him or her know how much you weigh, and take it from there.

Best of luck.
2014-07-02 12:01 am
20% of their bodyweight. So the average 1000lb horse can carry 200lbs, counting the tack.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 00:09:39
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