Police denied me 4th amendment on accident, how much can I sue?

2014-06-29 5:24 pm
Yesterday the police came marching into my house with a warrant searching for illegal drugs. I asked to see the warrant, and they gave it to me. As I was looking at it, the team already started searching around. I looked at it for a little bit to make sure it was legitimate, and noticed they had the wrong address. They were supposed to be searching my neighbor's house, but somehow ended up at mine. I told the detective that, and he said sorry, and left. He looked like an honest guy and I know it was a mistake, but I'm a little low on money at the moment and want to sue the police department. Can I sue them, and if so, how much?

回答 (5)

2014-06-29 5:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sue for what? You were not arrested. If you had been the evidence collected in a search without a valid warrant should be dismissed. But you were not. You don't mention any damages so compensation required.
2014-06-29 5:40 pm
Yes, you can sue them for your material losses & material damages...

Oh wait, you don't actually HAVE any loss or damage, do you? My bad!

No, you can't sue them....plus even if you HAD grounds, you just posted (PUBLICLY) "I'm a little low on money at the moment and want to sue the police department.", along with your ADDRESS; http://www.whatismyipaddress.com

2014-06-30 1:11 am
Yes mental stress from being in a life threatning situation. And for all damage they did. You can not sleep now have nightmares fear the police and all. I would say ask for over a million here. + legal fees.
2014-06-29 10:56 pm
And what exactly was your loss

Oh ya there was none and I suspect you are a TROLL anyway
2014-06-29 5:55 pm
You left out the part where "Police denied me 4th amendment". Care to try again?
2014-06-29 5:52 pm
how much are your damages
what did they break ...

go see a lawyer of the civil court

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