Can I eat crickets from Petco?

2014-06-28 9:47 pm
I bought crickets for my lizard but he only likes the crickets from a food packet. Now I have around 20 live crickets and nothing to do with them. They've been inside a container for a couple of days and I've fed them and given them water and some died. There is poop in there and dead crickets and I am not sure if I could eat the ones that are alive. Is it safe if I cook them then eat them?

回答 (3)

2014-06-29 12:22 am
You are asking whether you can eat those living crickets still living in that deplorable conditions with those dead ones, my answer is NO. Those crickets were fed with whatever dead stuff you fed them and they were dead. Those crickets, scorpions, etc you heard were eaten in some countries need to be literally primed first. That is those insects are first starved to cleanse out their digestive systems etc then they are washed and rinsed to get rid of debris and any toxic waste inside their bodies before they are cooked. These crickets are raised especially for human consumption '
2014-06-29 12:56 am
I wouldn't eat them but I'm sure you can
2014-06-28 10:59 pm
Put them in the lizards pen and dont feed him until he eats the crickets, trust me he will not allow himself to starve.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 00:10:12
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