What happens after I've handed my CV in?

2014-06-28 8:19 pm
So my CV has been handed in, in hopes for employment, but i'm not sure what happens afterwards, do I just wait for a response? Do they have to respond or what? It's my first time job seeking as a teenager so I'm really confused, thanks

回答 (6)

2014-06-28 8:26 pm
>You just wait for them to respond.
>They will either call or email you depending on what contact details you have given to them.
>After that they will either ask you to come for an interview or just give you the job.

Best of luck! Hopefully you'll get it! :D
2014-06-28 8:23 pm
You wait for about 5 days (unless there was a closing date on a job posting, in which case you wait until a few days after the closing date). You then call or go in to the store, explain that you handed in the CV and ask if a decision has been made. That's about all you can do.

And no, they don't have to get back in touch with you or notify you if the job is filled.
2014-06-28 9:33 pm
It depends on whether you were told the Manager is currently, or will be in the near future.looking to recruit staff. Many Managers will accept CVs when they don't have a vacancy and they will keep it on file for 6 months in case someone leaves creating a vacancy they are not yet aware of.

So it could be a day, a few days, a week, a month, a few months before you are contacted, if at all. So keep putting those CVs out. Don't forget to ask if there are current vacancies. It saves a lot of unnecessary worry for you and over eager emails to Managers who don't need them.

One thing to always remember when job hunting. Your need to get a job is high on your agenda. Filling a job vacancy is not high on an employer's agenda. Employers move in their own time and they have much more important daily tasks to do than read CVs, arrange and carry out interviews etc.
2014-06-28 8:43 pm
Hello my friend. I hope your exams went well. the best advice is to apply to multiple places and then interview with any that invite you. send me a note some time.
2014-06-28 8:27 pm
Few teenager type jobs require a CV. Most are application jobs.

If the employer is hiring and you needed to turn in a CV not an application, and it's not a professional level job where you have had a relationship with the recruiter, then you call during slow hours a week after you turn in the CV. If it's a customer service job, you do not follow up on weekends. For retail, you can call shortly after the store opens. For restaurant, you can call during the down time, usually between 2 and 4.
2014-06-28 8:21 pm
They don't have to do squat. So, don't be satisfied that you've put in one CV - continue, spread that widely to all jobs you'd like to consider having. If doing this cold, odds are you'll have to send out a few before you even get an interview, much less a job.

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