Being a better person?

2014-06-28 1:28 pm
Whats it likr being a better person? I mean i wish i could start all over undo my mistakes.. Just feel like a bad person i feel guilty all the time and judged i miss the way i use to be... Happy calm not mad or emotional all the time.. Maybe because im going through a break up recently it was the hardest thing ever he was very harsh.. I dont even wanna remeber the details.. I just wanna move on from that , how can i do it how can i be a better person , a new person i wanna be smart and successful and prove them wrong.. But i have days where.. I think about suicide and get really sad inside then think about how ill do it i hate those days.. Is it normal .. Like a process? I wanna keep looking forward but sometimes i get soosad soo yeah how can i be a better me? A happier one, a friendly one, a successful one i just wanna be happy again..

回答 (9)

2014-06-29 5:57 am
Once again ,Smugley's answer is spot on.

All the tears in the world will not change one second of the past. We all have things we regret and wish we could do over.........but often, if not Always, what's done is done.

If you have wronged someone, all you can do is try to give a SINCERE, heartfelt apology and try to make it up to them by NOT repeating the behavior before your "apology" is even finished.

But once you have done all that you can to resolve the issue, and the other person is still being unreasonable.............then you have to be good to YOURSELF, and just walk away and move foward.

Learn from your mistakes, and move foward. Some people learn NOTHING and then immediately repeat the same mistakes. Do not be one of those people as they are quite aggravating,

You have to *want* happiness for yourself, and thats means treating yourself well.

If anyone is being negative in your life and constantly trying to drag you down..........lose that person immediately..........and surround yourself with positive people who actually want to be your FRIEND.

Hurts and dirty deeds take time to don't rush things.......take your time.........and just be good to yourself..........and try to see the GOOD in life........instead of focusing on the bad.

Everyone goes thru dark Patches.........but the sun keeps shining anyway, ya know? You just have to want happiness enough, to go out there and get taking up a new hobby, and staying positive and making NEW better friends.........who will be good to you and for you.

When the people who hurt you.......see you having a good time and laughing,......they will know what they missed out on. Be better than them, by not letting them drag you down. Show them that your life goes on just the same without them. That takes all their power to hurt you away from them.
2014-06-28 10:28 pm
Everyone makes mistakes and we all have regrets. Sometimes you can go back and make amends. You don't have to it in person, you can send a card in the mail or an email. That often helps lighten the load, even when that person refuses to accept your apology, at least you know you tried. It helps because you are taking a positive action by accepting some of the responsibility and then you can move on.

Try to do something good for someone everyday without expecting anything in return. It can be something simple such as opening the door for someone, saying good morning with a smile or buying someone's coffee. This positive energy has a way of returning back to you... ten times greater.

When you are going through a painful experience, such as a break up, or any loss, you want to pamper yourself. Indulge yourself in a favorite activity, go out to your favorite restaurant, or something that will get your mind off the negative events. Time cures everything, and the goal here is to keep thinking positive thoughts until you have time to recover.
2014-06-29 12:28 am
You already know - the answers are right there in your question details. Look again at what you typed out. Sometimes people get so wrapped up in their emotions that they can't see what's looking them right in the face.

You can't undo what's already been done. But don't beat yourself up over a mistake. Look FORWARD - not backward. Happiness is a state of mind, it doesn't come from other places. No one can "make" you happy.

Here's a suggestion - walk around with a smile on your face. Seriously. I guarantee that it will make you feel better, and also the people around you. Be your own happiness - you don't need someone else to make you happy. A breakup is always tough to take, even if that person dragged you down.

You can be a "better person," as soon as you stop trying to live up to your estimation of others' expectations.
2014-06-28 2:51 pm
There is too much to potentially write, I don't want to write a bunch of stuff because honestly you are far from understanding the things I would be able to talk about, and don't worry that isn't some "flaw", I have been where you are and it took me a really long time to realize stuff and the kinds of things I could go on about would just shock you because you are ready to hear them.

This link from my site. These are instructions. It is about trauma, which we all have. It isn't just reserved for people who have had a dying relative or been severely injured, we all have it, we can all recover, but not until we know it is there. All your problems, and every element of those problems in every scenario, things that hold you back, f**k you up over and over etc. All these things, put them altogether, and they are trauma. Put them all together, you might have 1000 problems in your life. Wrong, I want you to start thinking of it as one problem, the problem is you have trauma. This is good for moving forward, whenever you have a negative thought/feeling, try and stop it and say "that's just trauma". The best way forward (and personally in my experience, the only way that has worked, and it has worked magnificently) is to simplify everything. Instead of having 1000 problems, try and put them all in a bundle as if they are 1 problem, just with several varieties. Simplify. It is the way to go forward. I have a link explaining why it works, how it works, with logic to explain. I have a lot of other sh!te written on the website but none of that is really important, this is the important thing, it will tell you how to clear away the fog, which is what it really is, believe it or not. It's not really you, it is you but you are distracted by a fog in your head. You were not born with a fog (even if you think you were lol), you developed it over time and you were not meant to have one in your head. This is how you do it naturally, and how you do it best, because natural is best.
2014-06-28 1:51 pm
You can't change the past though you can change your future. Here are some suggestions on how to do that: Forgive yourself and others for any mistakes or errors made as this is simply how we learn. Do the best you can in each moment and then let go knowing you have done your best. Remember your best is a variable, some days your best is just getting through the day and other days everything is great. Be thankful for everything you do have. Take things one step at a time. Do things that you enjoy or find the joy in the things you do. Fill yourself up with joy and share that joy with others. Help others in some way, maybe your own special way. Make choices that lead you in the direction you wish to go in. Learn to love yourself and others. Over time, step by step you can change your life and be anything you wish. Just keep trying, you can do it. I wish you all the best. Take Care.
2014-06-28 2:27 pm
Realizing your mistakes in the past is the first step in becomming a better person. You can not change your past but in knowing this making changes for the good will make you a better person in everyday life. You sound to me you are off to a fine start! Good Luck!
2014-06-28 1:42 pm
Welcome to HormoneLand, AKA adulthood! Being a better person is a long process that you must really be committed to, and your harkoning to the past tells me that you are not ready to do it quite yet. What you can do is start treating people like you would have them treat you or a loved one.

What good would suicide do? Who is going to feel better, you? You'd be dead, so no, not you. Your parents, who love you, would be devastated. You wouldn't be around to gloat in how you finally made a difference.

You make a difference by staying alive and striving to do the right thing-ALL THE TIME. It takes time, but people come around and follow your example. Would you like to have a hand in your friends committing suicide? Probably not, but I do not presume to know you.

I do know that you have the potential to become a good person who does good things. If your life is filled with good actions (not just intensions,) goo things will surround you.
參考: You can start the long process when suicide no longer holds your attention.
2014-06-28 1:33 pm
to suport others and think others with smile
2014-06-28 1:42 pm
idk. i'm a miserable bastid!

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