Question for Feminists who believe ideas like the following?

2014-06-27 7:50 pm

Without recycling her points, is it rape if the woman takes the initiative first in having vaginal sex where she is leading the man? Also if you answer yes why do you think a sex-negative approach to feminism is effective? Finally if a patriarchy is responsible for women's oppression women are forced to be "pure" and/or monogamous. Therefore would you not want to accept a new model that tolerates fornication and multiple partners for her.

@ Woody Red pointing the painfully obvious about her does not address the question properly @ ʄacade (sorry about spelling) your correct in how radical feminists do make the rest look crazy, but that does not disregard the ideal of allowing extremists to use the label. @ Johnny of course solely looking at the world with those lenses and having those intentions about sex is bad, but that is not a religion.

回答 (8)

2014-06-27 8:22 pm
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All sex for women is rape? That's basically saying women aren't mentally capable of giving legal consent. Lol.
2014-06-27 7:58 pm
I don't believe any of this, I just feel the need to say something.

This woman is RIDICULOUS. Humans are animals. Animals have instinct to reproduce. You reproduce through intercourse (in the most natural form.) She literally makes no sense.
2014-06-27 8:21 pm
That is a radfem, not a regular feminist. We are not the same. No feminists actually think sex is rape, unless it is actually rape (as in against the will of the victim, or without the victim's consent).
2014-06-27 10:56 pm
I do not pretend to speak for any Feminists™, but note this quote from the commentary:

« must believe that we all live patriarchy, yes? Well all women are raped in patriarchy. That is the truth of it.»

So, thus for those Feminists™ who yet wonder why some people think you are ALL insane and detached from reality, here is one example of a person who claims to be a Feminist™. She flies your banner. She projects herself to be YOU. Of course we know she is just one of a minority of kooks. We know not every Feminist™ is so Rodger-like. We know you can think rationally too. But then see who waves your flag around.

It is sad, really.

2014-06-27 8:13 pm
Two rules in life. Never take a person seriously if they only look at the world through gender based glasses and don't take people seriously who try to make sex complicated instead of fun (they are trying to be a religion)
2014-06-27 8:56 pm
Crazy radical feminist.
2014-06-27 8:27 pm
Hmmm, Ear sex is the only way to go. problem solved.
2014-06-27 8:24 pm
My experience with talking to straight people is that straight women and younger straight men are the ones who place so much emphasis on PIV sex. There are a lot of older men who would be content to stick to kissing, oral, masturbation etc., but it's more often the women who push for PIV sex. Younger men have been taught that vaginal intercourse is the only valid form of sexual activity.

I get the feeling that some men are coercive with their girlfriends though, making them feel obligated to have sex even if they don't want to. That is a separate problem, and speaking against PIV sex like this is simply not addressing the real problem, as if often the case with sex negative radical feminism.

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