修改譯文(英文) 謝謝!

2014-06-28 6:43 am
稿子已按照要求進行了修改, 統計數據亦已獲得補充。然而作者可考慮進行廣泛編輯服務, 基於''簡要''部分的編輯和英文文法及其句子結構的修改。

The manuscript has been conducted in accordance with the requirements of revision. As well as the statistical analysis data has been supplements. However, author could consider the extensive editing service based on the section of '' Abstract '' editing and in English grammar & sentence structure modified.

回答 (3)

2014-06-28 11:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
稿子已按照要求進行了修改, 統計數據亦已獲得補充。然而作者可考慮進行廣泛編輯服務, 基於''簡要''部分的編輯和英文文法及其句子結構的修改。
The manuscript has been corrected in accordance with that revision while that of the statistical analysed data are being supplemented. However, the author would like to have the extensive editing services based on revisions; especially the section of '' Abstract '' and the English grammar & sentence structure.
參考: Partly according to ” The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation ” published by Hong Kong Oxford University Press in 1975
2014-06-28 5:29 pm
根據修訂的要求進行了這份手稿。以及統計分析資料已補充。然而,作者可以考慮廣泛編輯服務的基礎的 '抽象' 編輯和修改的英語語法 & 句子結構中的部分。
2014-06-28 9:45 am
Manuscript has been modified in accordance with the requirements, the statistics have been replenished. However, consider a wide range of editing services, editing and modification based on English grammar and sentence structure'' brief'' section.

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