Do Dreams Mean Anything?

2014-06-25 4:54 pm
I just had the most intense, realistic, dream and I don't know if this means something. It was basically a shooting when I was out with my dad and brother, and the gunman shot my dad, i couldn't find my brother. so at the end he was about to shoot me so I closed my eyes and peeked, right before the bullet hit i woke up. does this mean anything? I'm worried, because I'm going somewhere with my dad and brother soon. help.

回答 (1)

2014-06-29 1:11 pm
You are the architect of your dreams. Any mental stimulation during the day and your mind will interpret it's meaning and run with it. Most of our dreams live for a few minutes but make us feel like it lasted all night. We usually only remember the dream we have before waking.

Read into it anything you want only don't let it run your life.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:51:15
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